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As yet another week passed by, people slowly began to tone down the aggressive hatred they previously had directed towards you, though that of course didn't mean they suddenly were okay with you.

No, it just meant they got bored of doing the same repetitive behavior which you now felt brave enough to talk back to.

You also kept re-visiting your favorite spot in the park, and your hyungs would often accompany you there whenever they were able to as they wanted to try to help you, whether that was by helping you study up on different powers and how to handle them, or by just simply sticking by your side for moral support.

Jimin: Then what about speed, or telekinesis?

A soft sigh left your lips as you shook your head, sitting back down onto the bench whilst picking up another book, searching through it in the hopes of discovering something you possibly might've missed

Jungkook: Those were one of the first ones I tried hyung, so no

Hoseok hummed as he also studied the book you were holding and pointed at something

Hoseok: What about that one, pheromone control? Jungkook smells really good all the time after all.

The playful yet also serious remark earned a soft giggle out of you as you once again shook your head, playfully hitting the back of his head ever so gently 

Jungkook: Thanks for the compliment, but it's not that either. Look read this section, if I did then we would've all known by now, especially considering it would be extra obvious whenever I'm tense, angry, or happy. And the scent and power would vary with intensity.

Hoseok hummed as he held out his hand letting a small flower softly bloom in his palm before glancing over at you

Hoseok hummed as he held out his hand letting a small flower softly bloom in his palm before glancing over at you

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Hoseok: Then what about plant control, like me?

Yoongi shrugged as he held out his hand playing with the flames on it as he spoke calmly and looked at you as well

Yoongi shrugged as he held out his hand playing with the flames on it as he spoke calmly and looked at you as well

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Yoongi: Or what about fire?

He then snapped his fingers making the flower in Hoseoks palm burst out into a tiny flame, earning a displeased hiss from Hoseok as he glared at Yoongi whilst rubbing his hand, letting out a ''Ow, careful with that! You almost burned me!" making Yoongi flash him an apologetic smile and wave his hand softly as a ''Oops, sorry?''

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