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The next day...

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of your shoulders now that you knew you had your friends by your side, and unlike the last couple of weeks, you for once didn't feel dreadful about today as you made your way towards the university

You took a deep breath in and out to soothe your nerves one final time before you opened the main entrance door as you headed inside, beginning to walk down the hall slowly, and unlike before you were actually able to remain unbothered by the glares, distant curses and slurs being thrown at you every now and then.

When you eventually reached your locker, a soft and annoyed huff left your lips seeing there was clutter on your locker door once again, but instead of keeping quiet like you used to, you turned around and crossed your arms whilst looking at the people surrounding you with confused or annoyed looks on their faces

Jungkook: Look, I'm the one you hate not the janitors, so stop with this locker door scribbling bullshit. Aren't you guys getting tired of it? I'm sure there are plenty of other things you can do to entertain yourselves if you're bored.

Just as you turned back around to face your locker, you heard someone audibly mutter out an "If you hate it then take the hint and fucking leave idiot, we don't want you here", making you snicker softly as you spoke in a calm yet scary manner 

Jungkook: Say that to my face, my back isn't a voice mail bastard.

Surprised gasps at your unexpected response were heard as you calmly unlocked your locker and got the things you would be needing for your first class, once you turned around to walk off and go look for your friends, you winced as someone purposely bumped into you harshly

Student: Watch it you filthy fucking mudblood

You rolled your eyes as you rubbed your shoulder gently before glancing up at him, tilting your head as you poked at his shoulder

Jungkook: You bumped into me, so you're the one who should watch it.

He let out a laugh of disbelief as he glared down at you

Student: How dare you speak to me like that, hah you seriously can't do anything right... You shouldn't even be here you filthy useless little-

?: HEY!

Your gaze traveled over to your right side and a soft smile painted your lips seeing your friends hurrying over to you, ready to defend you whilst shooting death glares his way

Hoseok: Leave him alone you-!

Nonetheless, you stopped them as you smiled letting out a soft ''I'm fine'' before turning back towards the guy, an amused smirk now painting your lips as you stepped closer to him, not breaking eye contact as you spoke challengingly

Jungkook: Hmm... Useless and can't do anything right you say? Then care to explain to me how I still managed to beat you and many more in the evaluations making it to the top 3?

He clenched his fists whilst gritting his teeth angrily

Student: You cocky little shit-

He raised his fist ready to punch you, however, you swiftly caught his wrist and twisted it hard, making sure to press extra hard on a certain pressure point making him wince and hiss out loud in pain, instantly earning a surprised yet annoyed glare from him as you just spoke calmly 

Jungkook: From now on, how about you do me a favor by minding your own fucking business. I'm getting sick and tired of these childish and absurd games you're playing.

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