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A few days had passed since the day everyone found out about your secret, and so far, you've been too terrified to return to classes. However, you knew you couldn't keep on hiding like this, you've yet to receive a letter telling you that you're expelled so you simply just had no choice but to go back to classes until further notice.

So you slowly fixed your uniform in the mirror before nodding to yourself, somewhat like an attempt to reassure yourself that everything was going to be okay... Somehow

Jungkook: If I'm lucky they've already forgotten about it... I wasn't popular so most dont even know who I am, I'm sure it'll be fine...

After taking a few more slow breaths, you finally headed out of your dorm and dreadfully started walking down campus, your gut twisting anxiously as you started seeing more and more people beginning to look at you, or rather- maybe they were even glaring...

Jungkook: It's just my imagination.. I'll be okay

Nonetheless, you headed inside the building and started walking down the hall, heading towards the locker area trying to ignore how more and more people started whispering and shooting you disgusted looks at you as you passed by them, making your chest clench up as you immediately regretted coming to school today.

Once you reached your locker, your heart instantly dropped as you saw what they had done to it while you were away

Once you reached your locker, your heart instantly dropped as you saw what they had done to it while you were away

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(Yes I spent my time trying to edit this with some free online editor so excuse how bad it looks)

You reached up and gently touched your locker door with trembling hands, gulping as a sense of nausea washed over you at the sight of the horrible slurs and threats painting it. Nonetheless, you shook your head and quickly got your stuff out from your locker before hurrying off past the students practically giving you death glares

Once you got to the stairwell you immediately halted your steps as you saw the graffiti painting the wall in big bold letters, spelling out ''You're not welcome here filthy mudblood'' in a blood red color making your shiver in disgust and fear. 

Jungkook: F-fuck...

Trying to ignore the message clearly left for you there, you quickly proceeded to hurry up the stairs and headed into the classroom, the whole class instantly quieting down the second you walked inside making you lower your head as you headed over to an empty seat in the far left corner just wishing today would be over quickly.


As the day passed by at a painfully slow pace, you eventually ended up putting on a mask in the hopes of at least making yourself slightly less recognizable, not that it actually made much of a difference in the end.

Nonetheless, it was now lunchtime so you were slowly making your way towards the cafeteria but swiftly stopped in your tracks as you spotted your hyungs sitting together at a table off in the distance, they were smiling softly and talking amongst themselves, and you found yourself smiling sadly as you watched them from afar

Jungkook: I'm sorry I lied to you guys...

Though you were soon brought back to reality as someone purposely and rather harshly bumped into you, making you wince lightly as they shot you a death glare whilst spitting out an annoyed ''Watch it mudblood, you can't eat here so fuck off''.

You rubbed your arm and looked around, seeing all attention start to divert to you once again, so you let out a shaky breath as you took a step back before hurrying off, hoping your hyungs didn't see you.

Once you got out of the cafeteria, you gradually slowed down and started walking with your head hung low in shame

Jungkook: It's fine... I wasn't hungry anyway.

A soft sigh left your lips as you ignored the way your stomach growled softly merely second later, and as you slowly raised your head to make sure you wouldn't bump into anyone again, you couldn't help but flinch in surprise seeing Taehyung walking towards you

Though he stopped in his tracks the moment he saw you, and you both made eye contact for a brief moment before you both ended up looking away and walked in opposite directions.

Jungkook: I'll j-just skip the rest of the classes today..

You wiped away a tear quickly before you made your way out of the building.


Once you got back to your dorm, you shakily dialed your grandpa's number on video call as you sat down on your bed, soon being met by his warm smile as he answered the call moments later, though slowly got a look of concern painting his face as he looked at you

Jungkook: Hi.. Are you busy?

Of course not, what's wrong dear?

You tried to not let your voice break softly as you felt tears sting your eyes lightly

Jungkook: T-they f-found out... A-and everyone hates me now... I-I'm scared...

He sighed sadly as he looked at you through the screen, meanwhile, you sniffled softly trying your best to wipe your tears as he spoke oh so softly

Oh darling.. There there... Everything will be okay, just hang in there

Jungkook: H-how? I h-have no powers, everyone knows I'm a mudblo-

Before you could finish your sentence, he swiftly cut you off as he spoke sternly whilst shaking his head

Do not degrade yourself Jeon Jungkook. How are you so sure you've got no powers dear?

A sigh left your lips as you looked at him, wiping away another tear as you shook your head slowly

Jungkook: It's obvious I don't grandpa... I have no blood r-relations so it's literally impossible! Besides, if I actually did have powers then we would've known a long time ago!

He hummed sadly as he tilted his head lightly

Maybe, but we know nothing about your father dear so don't be too sure... Have you tried?

His words made you huff softly as you mumbled out a response

Jungkook: Of course not...

So go try! Search deep within yourself dear, but remember this.
Even with no powers you're no less than anyone else dear.

You nodded slowly earning a warm smile from him as he spoke in a comforting and reassuring way

Hang in there dear, and if it gets too tough you know you can always come home.


Short chapter today as well but it's something!I love you all

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Short chapter today as well but it's something!
I love you all


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