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After hearing those words leave his lips, you couldn't help but frown as you looked up at your hyungs in confusion

Jungkook: Wait-.. Sabotaged?

They nodded slowly and looked at each other, worried expressions painting their faces

Jimin: They don't know who did it, but someone tried to make sure you wouldn't make it back out from that second test Jungkook...

Hoseok: Those kelps weren't supposed to do anything to you, yet they tried to drown you...

A huff of disbelief left your lips as you tried to process what they just had told you, ruffling your wet locks gently as you subtly looked around the arena

Would that person really go as far as killing me...?

Jungkook: Hah now this? I don't understand what that person has against me...

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he looked down at you, clearly having heard what you had mumbled under your breath just now

Yoongi: Jungkook... Has something else happened that you're not telling us about?

You flinched lightly as you raised your gaze to look up at them, not having expected anyone to hear anything, before shrugging softly as you fidgeted with your hands and uttered out a soft response

Jungkook: I've just been getting some notes in my locker trying to scare me, that's all...

Hoseok: And you haven't told us?! Jungkook!?

A sigh left your lips as you shrugged once more, holding on to the warm towel wrapped around your figure as you leaned back in your seat

Jungkook: They were just stupid taunts and threats, I don't even think these two are connected hyung... And besides, I'm sure they'll stop now since I didn't make it on the top 10...

Jimin let out a soft ''Uhm actually...'' as he grinned and gently poked your arm before pointing up towards the scoreboard

Jimin: ...You made it Jungkook, one of the students cheated and was eliminated.

Your eyes trailed over to the big scoreboard inside the arena, currently displaying the top 10 students with the highest scores who would be competing against each other in the final test, and widened your eyes in shock seeing your name listed amongst them, you had barely made it... but you did!

You couldn't help but bite back a proud grin as you mumbled softly to yourself

''Hah suck it Kim... Told you I'd meet you in the finals...''

Feeling a proud happiness bubble up in your chest knowing you made it against the many odds, you excitedly stood up from your seat as you looked at your hyungs happily

Jungkook: Oh my god hyung I made it!? You should've told me earlier I need to go change!

Just as you were just about to scurry off towards the changing rooms, Yoongi stopped as he flashed you a hesitant and worried look

Hoseok: Jungkook... be careful okay? We're really worried...

You smiled reassuringly as you patted his shoulder and looked at them all

Jungkook: I'll be fine hyung, I promise. Just meet me where the final test will be held!

Before they could say anything else, you swiftly made your way out of the arena and down the hallway towards the changing rooms, only to eventually stop in your tracks as you were met by an all too familiar face stopping right in front of you, both of you exchanging threatening looks of annoyance with each other as he spoke up tauntingly

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