Chapter 23: Guilt

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-Colby's POV-

Sam sits next to me, lighting the bong as he takes a hit. My eyes water from the smoke brown out. He scoots it towards me, I do the same, tension releasing as I blow out the smoke. "We should go on a trip," Jake says as he stares out the window. "Like we don't do anything. We have to be the most boring teenagers."

"Dude, I was thinking the same. It's my senior year, I want to have fun." Corey laughs.

I shake my head, "You guys can, but I have to stay home with Katelyn."

Jake groans, "Are you going to let her trap you that easily? Come on dude, just loosen up. You have time until your baby is here. After that," he snaps, "free time is gone."

"Jake," Sam scolds, "he's right. He needs to be with her."

I pass the bong to Corey, "Honestly, I'm tired of being home all the time. I want to be free, for once. And now that we aren't even together, I don't even feel happy. I'm just stuck."

"You need some pussy," Corey laughs as the smoke makes him cough.

My eyes widen, "No!" I laugh, "I just want to party."

"Have you guys even," Jake asks me trailing off.

"I mean yeah," I laugh. "That's not you guys' business though. I don't want to disrespect her by talking about it."

Sam looks at me, "Wait really? I didn't you could do that while she's pregnant."

I look at him with a confused face, "What am I going to do? Poke the baby? Y'all are idiots," I laugh.

"Wouldn't you though?" Jake asks.

"No, I won't. The baby is in a whole nother part of her body. Not even close to- that," I take the bong from Sam again.

"Is it weird? Like does it feel different?" Corey asks with a chuckle.

I roll my eyes, the ignorance being humorous to me. I take another hit, starting to finally feel the high.

"Fine I'll stop with the questions." Corey says, crossing his arms.

"It's fine, but just know it's not any different. Unless you count the massive tits and belly." I laugh.

A knock on Corey's door causes us to stop talking. Corey gets up, looking out the peephole. "It's just Devyn and her friends." He tells us. He opens his apartment door, the girls walking in. Devyn kisses Corey's lips as Kat runs over to Sam. The girl behind them catches my eye. I've never seen her before, but I immediately get drawn to her.

Her eyes lock with mine and she smiles softly. "Colby do you want any more?" Sam asks me, snapping me out of my gaze.

"Oh no, I'm okay." I check my phone, the time reading 8:46 pm. Katelyn name is on my screen, a text from her asking if I'll be home tonight. I sigh and text back, 'not sure yet, I'll text you if I decide to stay."

"Shae, you can sit next to Colby if you want." Devyn tells her. 'Shae' awkwardly walks over to the couch, sitting next to me. I can tell she feels uncomfortable around us.

I turn to her, putting a hand out, "Nice to meet you, I'm Colby."

She smiles and shakes my hand, "oh yeah I've heard all about you." She laughs.

I cock an eyebrow, "Oh yeah?" I laugh.

"Mhm, everything." She smiles again.


"I think I should get going, I'm probably going to call an Uber." Shae says and she stands up, grabbing her jacket.

I watch as she tells her friends goodbye. I stand up too, "I should probably go too. Do you need a ride home?" I ask her.

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