Chapter 4: Roofied

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My door busts open and Leo runs in, jumping onto my bed, covered in water. "Leo!" I yell, getting up and shoving him off the bed. I hear a laugh and look up, seeing Colby in the door way.

"I didn't mean to let him in, but he pushed from me." Colby tells me as he sets down the food he picked up for us.

"It's okay," I groan, "he's always messing something up."

"He's a good dog. I would kill to have one." He smiles at me.

"Maybe you can convince your parents." I take out my food from the bag. He sits on my chair, putting his book bag beside him.

"Thanks for the food." I tell him quietly.

"You're welcome," he tells me, taking a bite from his chicken sandwich.

I grab my laptop while I chew, opening it to the book. We only have about a paragraph left and we'll be done. It's been two weeks and honestly it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Colby is really sweet when you get to know him. He has his days, but I understand why.

"I'm having a party tomorrow night. You and Imani are both invited if you want."

"Are you sure? I'm not really the party type and I'll probably just sit around." I shrug.

He laughs and moves beside me, "I don't care. I wouldn't mind you coming." He grabs my laptop and starts writing.

"Colby, I'm not even fun-"

"Hush, we're friends, Katelyn. You're invited." He laughs.

I roll my eyes and continue eating. He doesn't mean it. We only know each other because of school. If it wasn't for that he would of never talked to me in the first place.

I watch as he finishes the story, we already agreed on what was going to be written. He offered to finish writing since I started it.

I turn on Netflix, putting it on a random scary movie. They're my favorite to watch. And it's October, perfect time to watch them.

I finish my food fifteen minutes later, Colby is already done writing. Now, he's eating himself.

My mom opens the door to my room, "Colby, sweetie, you can stay for dinner if you'd like. We're eating around 7." She smiles at him.

"I'm okay, I'm probably going to my friends house when we finish up here." He tells her, "Thank you, though."

"You're always welcome." She closes the door, leaving us alone again.

I get up, throwing my trash away. He gets up too, throwing his own away.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks with a smile. I roll my eyes and nod, smiling slightly.

"I knew you'd give in." He laughs.


"Imani, I look gross." I frown at myself in the mirror.  She comes beside me, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"You look amazing." She smiles at me through the mirror.

"I wish," I sneer. "Maybe I should wear pants, my legs look fat."

"Kat-," she sighs, "you don't look fat. You look amazing, I promise.

I roll my eyes and sit down in my chair, pulling my shoes on. I'm wearing a strap black shirt, which is completely out of my comfort zone. I paired it with black high waisted ripped shorts. I tied my hair back, the best I could with my braids. And then did a simple glam makeup look. I'm not a girly girl, but I like to look nice sometimes. Imani has on a blue cami with a white skirt and white platform sneakers. It looks uncomfortable but cute.

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