Chapter 15: Best Friends Don't Hide

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I stare at my empty locker. Christmas break is going to be hard for me. Not only am I away from my family, but I'm in a strangers house. I mean, it's Colby's house, but I don't know them. I just want my mom. I want Ethan, I want to see my dog. That's not going to happen. My mom hates me, Colby and the baby.

"Last day of school," I hear a familiar voice. My heart beats faster in my chest, I turn around, seeing Imani with her arms crossed.

"H-Hey," I wave at her, she rolls her eyes at me.

"What's wrong with you, Katelyn? You haven't talked to me in over a month. What's going on? And why won't Ethan talk to me either? Nobody will. I even tried to call your mom and she-"

"She doesn't care, Imani." I sigh. "Come on," I nod to the bathroom door. She looks at with me with a confused face but follows me.

I shut the door behind us, checking the stalls. I face her again when I make sure we're alone. "I'm sorry, I've missed you so much. I just don't want you to be mad at me-"

"Mad at you for what?" She asks, leaning against the sink.

I look away from her with a sigh. I take my phone, immediately clicking the photo app. I click on my ultrasound, showing her the picture. Her eyes widen. She looks between me and my phone, with her mouth gaped.

"I didn't want you to-"

"Oh my GOD!" She yells, quickly pulling me into a hug. "I knew something was up! I knew it!" She pushes me away from her, a smile plastered across her face.

"This isn't something to be happy about." I laugh quietly.

"I know, you're probably so scared. You have me, okay? I love you." She hugs me again.

"I love you too, Imani." I laugh.

"Tell me everything." She leans against the counter again. I do the same, putting my phone back into my pocket.

We spend the next hour talking about the baby and the events that's led up to now. Shes grateful for Colby's family, even if she's not too happy about Colby and I dating. She wants what's best for me, I understand that, but it is what it is.

My phone buzzes, I look down seeing Colby's name on my screen. I answer quickly, "Hey."

"Hey, I'm by my car. You ready to go?" He asks me.

"Y-yeah. Sorry I was talking to Imani." I glance at her.

"What did she say? Did you tell her?" He asks quickly.

"I'll talk to you later. I'm on my way." I hang my phone up and grab my bag. "I'll see you later, okay? I can call you." I smile.

"Okay," she smiles. I leave her in the bathroom, walking to Colby's car in a hurry. I'm not sure what he was doing this whole time, but I feel bad for making him wait.

"Katelyn! Wait up!" I hear someone yell. I turn around, seeing Evie, one of the girls from my biology class. I've never really talked to her before.

I look around for a moment, but walk towards her. "Um, did I leave something in Bio?" I ask her.

She laughs, waking towards me, "No, no. I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's up?" I ask.

"You're with Colby, right?" She asks me.

I feel my anxiety creep up, "Yeah, we've been together for a couple months. Is something wrong?" I ask her.

"No, well, yes. I mean not really. But, I heard my brother talking about you the other night. I'm not sure when it happened or if he was lying, but I just want to warn you that he's talking to people. He's telling people that you slept with him." My eyebrows furrow.

"Yeah, definitely a lie." I laugh, "Who did he tell?"

"Some boys he plays football with. I didn't think it was true, I just wanted to give you a heads up."

"T-Thank you," I stutter. "Um, can I see a picture of him?" I ask her. She nods her head, taking her phone out. She shows me her phone, mg stomach drops when I see his face. It's the same boy from the party. The one who drugged me. My eyes water, I look back up at Evie and shake my head. "I've never seen him. I'm sure he was just trying to brag about something. Thank you for letting me know." I smile at her one last time before walking away. I begin to hyperventilate as I open the school doors. Colby's car is on, running as the fog comes out of the pipes. I try to calm down before opening the door, but I couldn't help but break down. I hold on to his handle, I know for a fact her can see me. I begin crying uncontrollably, dropping my bag in the parking lot. His door open, and he runs over to me, hugging me.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asks me. I shake my head, I can't calm down enough to speak. "Come on, get in, sit down." He opens the door and I set in the passenger seat, my legs hanging out of the door still. He crotches next to me, his hands holding my knees as I try to calm down. "Katelyn, look at me," his hands come to my face. I do as he tells me to, putting in of my hands on his. "Calm down, baby, I'm right here." He says. I nod my head, taking deep breaths.

"T-the boy from the party." I tell him. His face hardens, "Is be here? Did you do something to you?" I shake my head no. "Talk to me," he whispers.

"He's telling people he slept with me. I don't know who he is, he's on the football team. I don't know why he's- he's doing it. I didn't do anything to anybody-"

"No, you didn't. You didn't do anything. Let's go home, okay? I can run you a bath and let you calm down. Then we can talk, when you're ready." I nod, putting my legs into the car. I buckle my seatbelt as he goes back to the drivers seat. His hand falls on my thigh as he drives.

When we get home he immediately goes into his bathroom and turns on the water. I follow him, watching him from the door way. "I- I can get you a snack. Vanilla wafers, a Dr. Pepper, milk? Anything." He wraps his arms around my waist. I shake my head, "it's okay. I'm just going to relax for a while." I smile.

"Tell me when you're ready to talk, I'm be right there. I'll help you get undressed, come on." His hands travel up my shirt. Slipping it over my head. He stares at my chest,his hands caressing my back as he unclips my bra. I watch his eyes fall lower. He looks back up at my eyes, smiling softly. His hand moves around from my back, coming up to my neck. He pulls me closer to him, kissing my lips softly. "You're beautiful," he mutters against my lips. I smile, shutting the bathroom door. We're alone, but in case anybody comes in I'd rather have the door closed. His hands go to my butt, squeezing it as he kisses me harder. I moan in his mouth as he fingers come closer to my core. I can feel him smile against me. He picks me up, putting me in the countertop. The chill as my back hits the mirror causes me to gasp. The sound of the water filling the room.

"I should take these off," he says, hooking his fingers around my jeans. I giggle and nod at him. I get down and he unbuckles my pants, pulling them down quickly. My thongs stay laced around my hips, he stares down at me for a moment before kissing me again. He travels down my body, kissing the most sensitive areas. He stops at my belly button, looking back up at me, "Our baby," he smiles, kissing right below my belly button, where the small bump is most prominent.

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