Chapter 16: The Family

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I wake up to Colby's alarm. I groan and tap on him, causing him to jump awake also. I look out the window, seeing the light snow falling. I smile softly, remembering that it's Christmas Eve. "Wake up, buttercup." I laugh at Colby.

He glances at me from under his pillow, he's not a morning person. "It's Christmas Eve," I smile. He chuckles and leans up, kissing my head. He jumps of out bed, pulling a shirt over his head. I get up also, checking my phone from beside me. I have a few messages from Ethan and Imani.

"You ready to meet everyone?" Colby asks me. My head whips to him, "What do you mean by 'everyone'?" My eyes widen.

"My family, Kat. You haven't met any of my siblings, my grandparents, nobody." He shakes his head with a smile.

"I'm meeting them? Today? Like right now?" I ask him, a panic rising in me.

"I mean, Alyssa and Jamie's here, but my grandparents won't be here until later." He explains.

"Who's Alyssa and Jamie?"

"My sister and brother." He laughs.

"I'm not even ready! My hair is a rats nest and I'm wearing two day old jogging pants!" I yell. I get up and search through my side of the dresser, looking for a decent outfit.

"Babe, Katelyn," he laughs, trying to calm me down. "It's fine. They're all downstairs, you have time to get ready. I'll just tell them you'll be down in a while, okay?"

"They know I'm pregnant, right? I won't have to hide it, will I?" I ask him.

"Yes, they all know." He smiles. I nod and relax.

"Okay, thank you." I kiss him quickly. "I'll be ready in about ten minutes." I tell him.


I walk down the stairs, my arms rest over my stomach. I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I am. I'm more never than I've ever been. I see Colby and his parents in the kitchen, along with two unfamiliar people.

Colby sees me and smiles, walking over to me. Everyone looks at me, I wave awkwardly.

"So you're the new addition!" The girl says with a big smile. She has short blonde hair, she looks to be in her early 20s, probably still in college. The boy next to her watches me, smiling also. He has dark skin, long dreads fall from his head. They both give off welcoming auras to me.

"Nice to meet you," I hold my hand out, but she ignores it and takes me into a hug.

"Im so happy I finally get to meet you," Alyssa tells me, "And my niece or nephew," she slightly touched the small bump. I laugh as she talks with a baby voice. "Don't worry, your aunt Aly is going to make sure your daddy doesn't drop you." She laughs. Colby rolls his eyes to her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jamie. Colby's older brother." Alyssa moves and Jamie also hugs me.

"Nice to meet you." I smile. I walk over to Colby's side, sitting in one of the barstools.


I smile as Jamie and Colby plays COD, laughing at their commentary. Alyssa sits next to me on Colby's bed, handing me some popcorn.

"You're good together." She tells me.

I smile, looking down at the bowl, "Yeah, thank you." I laugh.

"You're going to be amazing parents, Katelyn." She tells me.

My smile fades slightly, "I hope so. I'm just really nervous. I don't even know what I'm going in life. I'm not even sure if Colby knows what's he's doing."

"Well, you don't have to worry. Colby might have some minor issues, but he'll do anything for the people he love. I just know he's going to be amazing." She smiles at him.

"I think so, too. He's already so amazing to me."

"I'm happy he has you. Maybe now he'll clean up his act." She sarcastically scuffs.

"Maybe," I sigh.

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