Chapter 8: I Can Help You

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I walk into the crowded house, I can smell the weed and alcohol around. I roll my eyes and keep walking through, making my way into the den. I see Colby sitting with some of his friends, Corey, Jake and Sam, smoking. I take a deep breath and walk over with a smile, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey, baby," he smiles, kissing my hand.

"Hey," I say quietly. His hand holds mine as I Stan above him.

"I'm Jake," a young boy with split dyed hair says.

"I'm Katelyn, I recognize you from Colby's videos. Nice to meet you." I smile brightly. I needed to at least pretend like I want to be here.

"I'm Corey," Corey says with a hand out. I let go of Colby's and shakes his.

"Come sit," Colby says, patting the seat beside him. I go around the couch, sitting next to Colby.

"You want a hit?" Jake asks me. My eyes widen and I shake my head no, "I don't smoke."

"You don't smoke?" Corey laughs. "Corey," Colby coughs. He stops laughing, clearing his throat. I giggle quietly at the awkwardness.

"Did you want a drink?" Colby asks me. I shake my head no again. I don't want to drink again after last time.

I hear Imani's voice as she approaches us. "What's up," she smiles at me. Ethan is behind her, looking around the small group. Colby dabs him, before handing him the blunt. Both him end Imani take a hit from it. My face turns to disgust as they give it back to Corey.


The party has cleared out. I'm now picking up some of the stray solo cups around Colby's house. His friends help, I'm not really sure where he is. Imani and Ethan have already left, going back to my house.

I lean up from the floor, taking a deep breath. My stomach cramps and I grimace, putting pressure on it. "You okay?" Sam asks me. I smile and nod, going back to cleaning.

"If you're not feeling good you can go ahead and leave. We got it." Sam tells me quietly. I nod and give him a soft smile.

"I'm going to go up to Colby's room." I tell everyone. They all say goodbye.

I quickly go up the stairs. I open Colby's doors, I figured he would be in there but he wasn't. My eyebrows furrow and I go back out into the hallway. I knock on my bathroom door, I hear a groan from the other side. "Colby?" I laugh. "Yeah?" He sounds sick.

"You need any help?" I smile to myself.

"Can you go get me a water?" He murmurs.

"I'll be right back." I run back downstairs into the kitchen. "Someone got a little too shit faced." I laugh to his friends. I grab a water and go back up. "I got it," I say through the door.

The door opens, he's standing in just a towel, the steam hits my face from the shower. "Thank you," he smiles. My breathing hitches, "you're welcome." He chuckles and kisses my head.

"I'll be out in a minute, you can go lay down if you want." He tells me. I smile and nod, shutting the bathroom door.

I walk back into his room, plopping down on his bed. I feel a cramp again, groaning. Of course I'm about to start my period. I turn over, facing his bedside table. I see a pill bottle, my curiosity gets the best of me and I pick it up. I read the bottle, seeing an unfamiliar name. I keep reading, seeing the name of the medication. The bathroom door shut, causing me to jump and slam the pills back onto his table.

I lean up, putting my hand on my head, my elbows rested against my knees as I wait for him to enter. He walks in, still only in a towel. He puts the moth water bottle into his trash can. He grabs a pair of shorts from his dresser. Letting the towel drop in front of me. My eyes widen and I close them, putting my hand over my eyes. "Don't cover up," he laughs, I can hear him walk towards me. He uses one of his hands to move mine away, his other resting on his thigh. "Open your eyes," he whispers, his breath hitting my eyelashes. I do as told, not looking down from his face. He chuckles and kisses my cheek, basking away from me. I look away from him until he has his shorts on. His boner pokes through his shorts as he walk over to the other side of his bed, plugging his phone up.

He sighs and lays down on his back, stretching his arms above him as he snuggled into his pillow. "Do you feel better?" I ask him softly, running my hands along his back.

"A lot. I drank too much." He laughs.

"Need a massage?" I giggle, cradling his butt as my hands stay on his back.

"That would be perfect," he smiles at me.

I nod and start rubbing his shoulder, putting pressure in the most tense spots. He relaxes under me, closing his eyes. I continue to rub his shoulder, upper back, and all the way down to his tailbone. I'm sure it feels nice, but all I can focus on are those pills.

"Colby?" I ask quietly.

"Mhm?" He hums.

"Are those your xans?" I feel my heart drop into my stomach as I ask him. I don't want him to think I looked through his stuff.

"What?" He jolts up, causing me to fall off him slightly.

"I-I'm sorry. I just saw them and they're not prescribe-"

"I don't pop pills, Katelyn. Why were you going through my shit anyways?" He asks angrily. I move off of him, sitting on the bottom of his bed. He turns around, grabbing the pill and putting them into his top drawer.

"I wasn't-"

"Just go home, okay? I don't need your help." He gets out of his bed, slamming his door as he leaves the room.

My heart beats faster a I process what he did. I blink my tears away and slip my shoes back on. I leave his room, running down the stairs. I pass through him and his friends, slamming the front door on my way out.

I stand on the porch, catching my breath as I try to calm down. I don't mean to cry, it just happens sometimes. I take my keys out of my jacket, unlocking my car from the porch. I begin walking away but the door open, I can hear Colby call my name. "Katelyn, come on stop. I didn't mean to be so-"

"Aggressive?"  I sneer. He continues to follow me to my car.

"Yes, aggressive," I can almost hear the eye roll, "look I just don't like talking about it, okay? I know I have an issue but I'm trying to fight it-"

"That doesn't give you the right to let it out on me. I asked a question because I care about you, Colby. I asked because I don't want my boyfriend popping pills like some druggie. You're better than that!" A tear streams down good morning face. Be frowns and steps closer to me.

"Kat, I promise I'm trying. I promise you. I just can't," he looks away, "I can't stop."

"Then let me help you. I want to help, Colby." I take his hand and hold it. He looks back at me, blinking and then nodding his head, tears in his eyes also. "I'll help," I whisper, hugging him tightly.

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