Chapter 17: Gossip

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I look in the mirror, my bump almost too big to hide now. It's January 10th, the day I go back for my last semester. I've decided that after the baby is born I'll just do online school. It would be easiest because I'll be able to stay home with him or her. Colby most likely will work for home also since him and Sam are making decent money through youtube.

"You almost ready?" Colby asks me. I look at him through the mirror, smiling and nodding my head. His eyebrows furrow before he shuts the door behind him. "What's wrong?"

"People are going to know soon, look at me." I glance down. The bump shows through my jacket, even though it's already big on me.

"Then let them know," Colby sighs. He turns me around, placing his lips in mine before his thumb traces down my belly. "I want them to know that you're having my baby, I want them to know how much I love you. People are going to talk shit and hate on us, but let them. Who are they to tell us who we can and can't be? I love you, okay. I wouldn't change anything for the world. I love you." His hands wrap around to the back of my neck, where he pulls me in for another kiss. I nod my head, hugging him tightly. "I love you too."


I sit down in my history class, trying my best to retain eye contact from anyone. Only two more blocks of the day and I'll be out of here. I've tried my best to keep things in front of my stomach, making sure nobody can see the small bump. Thankfully I've had either Imani, Sam or Colby is my classes. History, however, I'm alone.

I try my best to pay attention to the teacher as he explains the details over the next semester, but I can't focus. I feel eyes on me all the time. What if people already know? I don't want to be the center of attention. I just want to stay in my own little bubble forever.

The bell rings, causing me to flicker around the room. Everyone stands up around me, grabbing their things. I do the same, packing my notebook and pencils back into my bag. I throw it over my shoulder, walking quickly out the room. Imani comes rushing towards me from down the hall.

"Katelyn!" She tells, causing me to shush her. "What?!" I half yell.

"Did you see Instagram?" She asks, pulling her phone out.

"No, I'm kind of in school right now." I chuckle. Her eyes turn to worry and she bites her lips, turning the phone to me. I take it from her, look at the picture in the screen. It was from some random gossip page for my school that some ninth grader made. I see me, passed out in a bed. I slide over the screen, seeing another picture of me. This time, I'm reaching up to put things in my locker, my belly appearing from under my jacket. The caption reading, 'the innocent nobody, turned skank? Wait until Colby sees this.' The post already had a hundred likes and fifty odd comments. I look around me, the bell ringing as the kids rush to class. Most of them having their eyes run over me first. Imani grabs my arms, but I push her away.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I tell her. I walk into the crowd, trying to get away from the group as fast as possible. I look up, seeing Colby coming down the hallway also. His eyes meet mine and he walks faster, catching up to me. He grabs my hand and walks me towards the school doors. I feel my chest become heavy as I start to cry. He pushes the doors open, letting me walk in front of him. We both stay silent until we reach his car.

"This shit couldn't have been any worse!" I yell, "Why the fuck is my life so fucked up?! Why can't I just be a normal teenage girl with a normal life?" I frustratedly yell to Colby. He still stays quiet, rubbing his face as he leaning against his car. "I can't do this," my out my hands on either sides of my head, pacing around his car. "I'm done. I'm never showing my face again. They're calling me a skank, Colby! A SKANK! Four months ago I was a virgin. I had sex one time, one fucking time and my whole life is fucked. I can't believe this. I can-"

"You're life isn't fucked Katelyn, stop saying that!" He yells. My jaw clenched and I open his door, getting in. I can hear his frustrate sigh from inside the car. He gets in, facing me in his seat. I wipe my tears again, not looking at him.

I just keep fucking up. He thinks I don't appreciate him. He thinks that I don't love him because of how I feel. I do love him, I love the baby. I'm happy for them, I'm just not ready.

"I'm sorry for yelling," he puts his hand on my thigh. I look at him and smile through my tears, "I-I'm sorry I keep saying I hate this. I don't hate you, I promise." My face burns as I start to cry harder.

"I don't think you hate me, I know you love me. And I know you're scared and unsure of how everything's going to go. I'm not mad, okay?" He tells me, pushing my hair back from my face. I nod and lay my cheek on his hand.

"How about we walk back in that school, heads up, no worries. Remember what I said this morning?" He asks me.

I nod again, looking down at my hands, "The boy- from the party, he gave them that picture. He took picture of me, Colby."

"I'm going to find him, okay? He's not getting away with it."

"Maybe if I wasn't such a skank like they said-"

"You're not a skank, you're so far from it. What happened that night, not of us could of controlled. If it's anybody's fault, it's mine. I didn't look out for you like I should have."

I shake my head no, "It's not your fault. You're right, it's nobody's fault." I wipe my face again, "Can we go home?"

"Are you sure? You don't want to finish the last couple hours?" He asks me.

"I don't think I'm going to be going back. Not after today." I tell him.

"You can't drop out." He tells me.

"I won't, I promise. I'll talk to my counselor and get things switched to online. I promise it'll be better. I won't be able to be with you as much, but at least I don't have to go through all the stares and looks. Plus, I'll be able to focus better. I'll be in a quiet room, alone and able to teach myself."

"If you're sure, that's okay with me. But what about your mom? Wouldn't she have to confirm it?"

I look down at my phone in my backpack, "I'll call her," I tell him.

His eyes widen slightly, "Do I need to be there?"

"No, no. She might not even answer. And if she does, I'll try to be calm. Maybe I can talk to Ethan before, ask him what he thinks about it. He's the closest person to my mom that I have."

"Alright," he nods, "ready to go home?" He smiles. I nod my head, buckling my seatbelt.

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