Chapter 26: I Don't Kiss and Tell

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Another night without Colby. It's getting tiring. I gave up on our relationship. He knows, or at least he should now. I haven't brought up the girl, nor do I plan to. If he wants to be with someone else, he can. I just need to focus on Lana and myself.

My phone dings, I look down to a text from Colby. 'Staying at Corey's. Love you.'

I roll my eyes and shut it off, putting it on the table beside me. I scroll on my laptop, looking at different baby items. Amazon has been my best friend for buying things. Thankfully, Colby is making good money from Youtube and is able to pay for everything. He doesn't want me to stress about it, so he took it into his own hands.

I hear another ding on my phone. I groan and pick it up, my face softens when I see Sam's text.

'Sorry it's late. We need to talk, are you up?'

I quickly text back a yes. I know what he wants to say. Colby's with another girl. Imani is the only one who knows that I know. I haven't even told Ethan anything. If I did, he would best Colby's ass.

'I'm on my way.' Sam responds.

I set my laptop down and get up, grabbing a pair of pants and a bra. I was all ready for bed, no pants and no bra. I put them both on then walk to the bathroom.

I use the bathroom then pull my hair into a quick ponytail.

I go back into my room, noticing another message from Sam saying he was here. I sigh and get back up. I open my door to him coming up the stairs. "Hey," I smile and lean against my doorframe.

"Hey, can we talk? It'll be quick, Katrina is waiting for me in the car." He sticks his hands in his pockets. I can tell he's nervous about what he wants to say.

"Yeah, come in." I move out the way and he comes into my room, I sit on my bed and he sits at my desk.

"So?" I ask him after a couple moments of silence.

He looks down at the floor and grips the chair. "I don't want to make you upset. I just want you to know the truth." He presses his lips together, his face getting red.

"Colby is with someone else." I ask him. He looks up at me quickly, shocked.

"I already knew. I've known since it happened. It's okay, we're not together anymore. I'm just the girl he knocked up." I shrug.

"Kat-" he starts.

"No I promise it's okay. I'm not upset."

"There was something else I wanted to say." He trails off. My eyebrows furrow and I watch him as he starts to bounce his leg up and down. "I like you. I really really like you. And I hate myself for it." My eyes widen.

I stand there shocked for a second, my emotions overwhelm me intensely.

I'm not sure what to say back. He's always been the kindest to me. He's always helped me. He's always helps me feel included. But do I feel the same? I'm not sure. I appreciate him, but I'm having a baby. I can't get caught up with another boy.

"Katelyn?" Sam says quietly, "Please say something."

I look up at him, my emotions making me tear up, "S-Sam, I appreciate you and everything you've done for me," I pause, "But,"

He looks away quickly, "I-I should of never said anything. Just forget it Katelyn, it's okay." He begins to walk away but I grab his hand, stopping him.

He turns back around, his eyes connecting to mind. I stand up, leaning into him closely. Our lips touch softly, barely any friction as it lasts. My heart beats faster when his hands place themselves on my hips. We move into each other more, the kiss becoming more passionate.

I pull away from him, his cheeks glowing red. He smiles softly as we catch our breaths. A beep of a car locking causes us to jump back. I look out the window, seeing Colby walking from him car. He glanced at Sam's cars, his eyebrows furrowing. "Shit." I whisper.

Sam looks out next to me. He walks into the front door, we can hear his footsteps through the house. "I'm sorry, you have to go." I tell him.

Kat beeps Sam's horn from outside. "He already knows I'm here. What are we supposed to-" there's a knock on my door and then it opens. Me and Sam move away from each other quickly, Colby stares at us for a moment with confusion.

"Wassup guys?" Colby stands at the door, with his arms crossed.

"Oh Sam just came by to drop off," I look around my room for a moment, I grab the closet thing on my desk, I look down at it, nipple cream? Really? "He brought me some ointment. I was having some issues and I was embarrassed to ask you-"

"Yeah, and she didn't want to worry you because her," he glances down at the cream, "Nipples," he clears his throat, "we're sore."

Colby nods his head slowly. "Okay," he looks between us, "thanks, man." He smiles. "Kat, you know you don't have to be embarrassed of anything. I love you."

"I love you too." I smile softly.

Sam claps his hands, "Well I should get going now." He sighs.

I nod my head, "Thank you for the.. cream." I press my lips together.

"Of course." He says.

"See you bro," Colby's hugs him. He says goodbye and leaves my room.

Colby continues to look at me, "what?" I roll my eyes.

"You're beautiful." He smiles again.

I raise my eyebrows and nod sarcastically. He's only nice to me because I'm having his kid. If it wasn't for me getting pregnant, he would be long gone by now.

"What now?" He groans.

"Nothing." I laugh. "I'm tired, I'll talk to you tomorrow." I move towards my bed and move my covers back.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Colby asks.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I laugh as I climb into bed.

"Why not? I just want to lay with you."

"Because were not together, Colby." I slightly snap at him.

He nods his head and looks down at his feet. He sighs and looks back up. My eyes stay on him as he looks at me with a sad face. He shuts my door behind himself quietly.

I sigh in frustration. I don't know what to do now. Do I even like Sam? Do I want to get caught up with him? He's the opposite of Colby. Colby is this loner with issues that he won't talk about. Sam is the friendly one who doesn't have a worry in the world. But Colby is Lana's father. Colby took me in when we found out I was pregnant. Colby has given his life to the baby. He may not care about me too much, but Lana is his whole life now. No matter what I do, Colby deserves to love his daughter. And I deserve to be just as happy as him. That's where it gets confusing.

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