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Y/n and Five slowly walked up the stairs. Older Five and Luther were in front of them by quite a bit, walking and whispering to each other. People kept staring at Five as the two walked up the stairs. Either from the expression he had on his face or how there was almost smoke coming out of his ears, Y/n wasn't sure. Five huffed as they got to the top of the stairs. He turned around, walking backwards. "What are you looking at?" Five spat. "See something funny?" he shouted, turning back forwards. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose and kept walking next to Five, shaking her head the whole time.

"Watch it asshole!" he shouted. Y/n sighed, looking over at the man Five was shouting at.

She smiled faintly at the man, "Ignore him!"

Five glared at her, turning to someone else. "Mind your business! Or I'll give you something to stare at!"

Y/n huffed, grabbing Five's arm and dragging him forward. "Calm your ass down," she said through gritted teeth.

He turned around again, still in Y/n's grip. "You wish you could pull off these shorts!"

"Christ Five."

"What?" he asked, turning to her. "You think I don't look good in these shorts?"

Y/n sighed, "Five, you look amazing in those damn shorts alright? Now calm down."

"What? Would you like it better if I took them off?"

Y/n stopped dead in her tracks, staring at Five. "Oh my god," she shook her head, walking forward.

He huffed, grabbing her sleeve and pulling her back towards him. "Wouldn't you?"

"Christ Five, shut the hell up. Oh my god." He raised his eyebrows. "Jesus," she scoffed, shaking her head. "Yes, Five. I would so very much love that," she rolled her eyes and turned, walking away. "But not in public."

"Is that a promise?"


He shook his head, catching up with her as she got to Luther. "Hey, brother," Luther said to Five. "And sister," he nodded to Y/n. She rolled her eyes as he continued on. "How you doing?" he asked, turning to Five.

Five took a deep breath, walking down the stairs next to Y/n as Luther walked behind them. "He's gonna kill me, isn't he?"

Luther scoffed and started laughing nervously, "What?" The other two stopped, looking behind themselves at Luther. Y/n gave him a seriously? look. Luther pointed to older Five, "What? Him?" He laughed nervously again, starting to walk down the stairs after them. "He's gonna kill you?" He laughed again, "Yeah, right. That's ridiculous."

Five sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. "You know, you're a terrible liar Luther. You're a worse liar than you are a spotter."

Luther pinched the bridge of his nose and snapped towards Five. "Okay, whose fault is that?" he snapped. "What good is having a spotter if you won't even listen to him?"

"So you admit you're conspiring against me?" Five whispered.

"Do- Do you admit that you're suffering from paradox psychosis?"

"All I'm suffering from is bracing clarity about you and your murderous intentions," Five exclaimed, itching his chest.

"Look, it's not like he's gonna 'kill you' kill you," Luther reasoned. Y/n and Five stopped, looking at Luther again as he pushed past them and stood on the pavement. "He just wants to kill a um, version of you."

Five followed after Luther, "But I am that version of me!"

Y/n huffed, walking after them. "You know Luther, I'd rather you not kill Five. I have come to be quite fond of this version," she said, gesturing to Five. "Except when he's going through paradox psychosis and makes me want to punch him." She pointed at Five, "Don't let that feed your ego."

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now