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"She never cared about your parents. She was looking for you."

"Why?" Lila whispered as tears started forming in her eyes.

Diego took the chance and walked into the barn. "'Cause you're one of us," he said. The others trailed in behind him, standing in a small group as Lila turned around towards them. She held a small knife close to her, ready to try and stab anyone if they got to close or threatening. She clenched her other hand into a fist as she looked at Diego. "The Handler stole you, Lila," he explained as everyone else shifted slightly. "Just like our asshole father took all of us," he continued.

"No, it's not the same thing," Lila said, looked around frantically at all the others. Luther glanced at Allison who was next to him and staring at Lila. Klaus stood behind them, watching Lila. Y/n stood beside and behind Diego as Vanya stood off to the side.

"You're right. Because he didn't have our parents murdered," Diego said, taking a step closer to Lila. He put his hand out, trying to calm her down. "Listen to me, Lila. You were born October first, nineteen eighty-nine. The same day as all of us." Everyone shifted uneasily.

"Stay back!" Lila suddenly yelled when Diego went to take another step towards her.

"Hey! Hey, stop! Wait. Hey!" Diego shouted as they all moved around, feeling threatened. "Lila? Lila stop!" he shouted as the rest of them shifted around, getting in a circle.

"I trusted you," Lila spat. "I got you a job. I even introduced you to my mother, and then you took off on me!" she said, her voice rising with every word. She moved her hand that held the knife, gesturing off to the side at nothing.

"Because I needed to save the world!" Diego exclaimed. He paused, calming down, "She's using you, Lila. The Handler."

Lila shifted. "You're wrong. She raised me." She started nodded, more tears forming in her eyes. "She loves me."

"Yeah, you know what?" Luther asked, interrupting them. Lila snapped her head towards Luther. "Love shouldn't have to hurt this much." Y/n rolled her eyes, restraining herself from smacking her forehead.

After a paused, Lila leaned forwards. She put her finger to her open mouth and gagged.

"All right, I tried."

"He's right. We have to kill her," Five said, getting ready to lunge for Lila, taking a couple small steps. Lila snapped around to face him as he did so.

"Hey! Five! Five, stop," Diego shouted, putting his hand up so Five would stop going towards Lila. Five stopped. "I got it." He paused, "Hey, Lila." Lila turned back to him. "Truth? She's dangerous. And you're scared of what she'll do with all that new power. That's why your dragged me to the Commission. Because I know what it's like to love dangerous people." He took a small step closer to her, only about a foot away. "Difference is," he looked around at the others before looking back to her. "They love me back."

"Shut up," Lila whispered as tears threatened to fall.

"The only thing she loves is power. Now the minute she can't use you, she will turn on you. And deep down, I know you know that." He was so close to her now that the knife was only an inch away from his chest.

"You don't know me Diego."

He took another step towards her, the knife now on his chest. "Don't I?" He paused, "I know that we can be your family." He shook his head slightly, "If you just let us."

Lila looked around at all of them. First Vanya, then Klaus. Klaus raised his eyebrows, his gaze soft. Then she looked to Y/n. Y/n smiled softly. And even though she didn't like Lila, she felt bad for her. She knew that Lila could be a good person. She looked back to Diego before looking over to Allison. Allison smiled slightly. Lila looked back to Diego, sniffling.

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now