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Five woke up with his arms wrapped around something. Someone.

He looked down, moving his head back slightly and saw the back of Y/n's head. He sighed, laying his head back down on the pillow in the position that it had been in before he had woken up. The blanket gave his bottom half some warmth. He closed his eyes, remembering the events of what had happened beforehand.

He chuckled quietly before frowning, remembering the last conversation the two of them had had before passing out again. He had called her pretty. What had he even been trying to do?

"Oh, you're awake," Luther said from the other side of the room. "Good. I've been looking for something to do for a while now. Diego ran off to meet up with some lady after you guys passed out again," Luther stated, walking over to the bed. He pulled a chair over, setting it a foot in front of the bed and sitting down in it.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Five asked. His voice was quiet and hushed, not wanting to wake up Y/n.

Luther shrugged, "You looked comfortable. And Diego would want to hear whatever the hell you've got to say. But, seeing as he still isn't here." He started trailing off, looking at the floor.

"You- were- thinking about someone other than- yourself? Multiple people actually," Five asked sarcastically.

Luther rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

Five shushed him, "Don't be so loud. I don't want to wake her up."

Luther looked up at Five and chuckled.

"What?" Five spat in a whisper.

"You care about her."

"Shut up."

Luther snickered.

"Just- what do you want to know?" Five asked.

Luther nodded, "Okay. So, when's it supposed to happen? This apocalypse."

"Well, I can't give you the exact hour. From what I could gather, we have four days left," Five replied quietly.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther asked angrily.

Five didn't show any emotion, "It wouldn't've mattered."

"Of course it would!"

"Shhhhh! Christ Luther," Five whisper shouted.

Y/n shifted, turning around. Five let go of her as she moved. Y/n snuggled up to Five and put her head on his chest. Five let a small smile come onto his face. She moved her head slightly, trying to move it farther into Five's chest. She made a small grunting noise, moving her torso a little.

When she stopped moving, Five wrapped his arms around her again, continuing to smile.

"We could've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing," Luther said, putting his hand up and back down as a gesture.

"For the record, you already tried," Five replied bluntly.

Luther was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Five paused, looking down and Y/n and back to Luther. "I found all of you," he paused. "Your bodies," he continued, looking down at Y/n.

Luther raised his eyebrows, "We died?"

Five looked back up at him and paused, remembering finding everyone's bodies.

First he found Allison. Poor Allison, she just wanted to see her daughter. She wanted to be a good mother. She wanted to be able to live a happy life with her daughter. She wasn't that bad of a sister, not always. Now she was piled under a bunch of bricks. Her brows were furrowed, like there was something she was confused about. Right before she died.

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now