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Five blinked them to the Super Star and quickly readjusted his grip on her arm. He grabbed her wrist and pulled up the blazer sleeve. "Dammit Y/n," he sighed, seeing the cut.

"It's not even that bad," she said, trying to get her arm away from him.

He didn't let his grip get any looser. He looked at her, "What happened?"

"A piece of rumble fell on us. We moved out of the way, but it skimmed my arm. It's no big deal Five, really," she insisted.

"It still needs to be cleaned," he stated, walking up to the counter.

"Do you have a first-aid kit?" he asked. The woman behind the counter shrugged, not seeming to care. "Listen here lady. I have a girl over there who has a cut and it's needs to be cleaned out immediately. And I quite like her presence, so I'd like to keep her alive for as long as possible. So give me a damn first-aid kit."

The woman looked up at him, eyes wide. She nodded frantically and bent down, searching through the cabinets. She shot up and handed him a little box. He nodded and walked back over to Y/n.

"Sit down," he ordered, pointing to a chair. She sighed and sat down, putting her arm out.

He nodded and knelt down, placing the small box on the open space in the seat next to Y/n. He opened it and started to clean her cut. She winced when it burned, causing him to look at her with concern.

He finished it up by putting gauze over the cut and pulling down her blazer sleeve. He closed the box and put it on the table next to them. Sighing, he sat down next to her. "You aren't injured anywhere else are you?" He paused, "And don't lie to me."

She shook her head, "No where else. I'm fine, really."

He sighed, looking her in the eyes.

She smiled slightly and kissed his cheek, "Thanks."

He chuckled, "How cute. You just kissed my cheek."

She scoffed, crossing her arms, "Shut up."

He chuckled again and leaned over, "Don't get so angry about it." She scoffed again, causing him to smirk.

Suddenly, the doors opened and in came everyone else. When they saw the two of them, they all went and sat down or stood by the two.


Luther sat at one of the three connected plastic chairs. He had his arm around the empty chair next to him. Allison sat on the back rest part of the chair next to it. Her feet rested on the seat of it and her forearms were on her thighs. She held her notebook and sharpie in her hand, looking down and thinking. Klaus and Diego sat next to each other on the same plastic chairs, but these ones where separated. Five sat in the chair diagonal from them. Y/n sat the same as Allison, next to Five on the bench of chairs. Her foot bounced and she rubbed her face.

"Look, I hate to be the one to say this but everyone needs to prepare," Luther stated.

"For what?" Diego asked, furrowing his brows.

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya," Luther said bluntly. Y/n scoffed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Allison snapped her head towards Luther and hit him in the arm with her notebook. She glared at him and shook her head. "We may not have a choice Allison." Everyone else looked over at him and gave him a 'really?' look.

"Bullshit," Diego said as Klaus picked up a newspaper and unfolded it. "There's always options," he continued.

"Yeah, like what?" Five asked snarkly, turning to Diego.

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now