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the king himself everyone ^

Her and Klaus' heads shot up to look at the ceiling as the whole house shook and dust fell around them. They looked at each other, furrowing their brows. Y/n looked back up at the ceiling and tightened her belt, like it was going to make the pistols any more scarier to what was about to come.

The house shook again and dust kept falling. "What the hell is going on?" Y/n asked, looking around Klaus' room. There was a loud crack and she snapped her head to the noise. Seeing as it was coming from outside the room, she quickly turned and walked out the room, looking down the hallway.

Luther slammed open Allison's door and walked out of her room. Diego walked out of his room and looked around, walking towards Pogo. Pogo was walking down the hallway towards Allison and Luther's rooms. Klaus stumbled out from behind Y/n and stood in between her and Diego, glancing at both of them worriedly.

"What the hell is going on here?" Diego asked, walking towards Pogo.

"Where are those explosions coming fro-?" Klaus asked.

"Vanya," Pogo interrupted him. "You need to get to safety outside the academy."

Luther, Diego, Klaus, and Y/n all looked at each other worriedly.

"Well come on! Let's go before we get ourselves killed!" Y/n shouted, running back into Klaus' room.

"What are you doing?" Diego asked.

Y/n picked up her daggers, wrapping the holder around her thigh and buckling it. "I ain't leaving here without these."

"You can shoot lasers out of your eyes and fingers for Christ's sake! You don't need all that shit!" Luther shouted.

"Do you think I care dipshit? We aren't dead yet so I think we're doing just fine," she smiled and nodded at him. "As long as we start leaving like, I don't know, now? Then I think we have about a uh- 68.765 percent survival rate. Give or take."

They stared at her. "What? The calculations might off a little bit. Anyway, that percentage is dropping by the second so let's go!"

Diego and Klaus nodded, running backwards and turning. "Don't forget Mom!" Luther yelled after them as Y/n ran, following behind them. She completely forgot about her limp. It was like it wasn't even there.

The house shook again. There was another crack in the wall.

Y/n slowed to a stop and ran into her room. "Jesus Christ Y/n! What the hell are you doing?"

She jumped to the floor and grabbed a box from under her bed, not even bothering to get the contents out. She jumped up and ran out of the room, passing the other two. "No time!" she shouted behind her, ripping the box open and pulling out the book, putting it in her inside blazer pocket as she continued to run.

Diego and Klaus didn't hesitate to start running after her.

"About what percent are we at now Y/n?" Klaus asked as they turned a corner sharply.

Y/n paused and flinched as there was an explosion from their rooms. "About 42.563 percent," she said, ducking as a piece of the ceiling broke off and almost hit her. "Make that a 40!" she yelled, grabbing the stair railing and turning sharply, running up the stairs. Then there was another explosion and she ducked again.

"Wanna make that 39?" Diego yelled, running up the stairs after her.

"No, I'd say about a 37!" she shouted.

There was another explosion, bigger this time. Then another. "33 maybe!" she yelled, turning as she got to the top of the stairs.

She slowed to a stop as they got to where Grace normally rested. The others stopped behind her. "Mom?" Diego asked, shouting over the pieces of the ceiling falling around them. A big piece fell in front a Diego, making them all quickly start running down another hall.

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