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She didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

The woman behind her was breathing heavily too. "You know Y/n, I was starting to think you were the good egg out of that bunch."

"Yeah?" Y/n laughed. "Well, you were wrong there. I'm just as bad as Five."

The Handler sighed, "You had such great potential. You could've been better than Number Five."

Y/n struggled out a shaky laugh, "You really think that?" It was a sarcastic question. She knew that the Handler was just saying that to please her.

The Handler nodded, "I really do."

Y/n laughed again and turned around, "No you don't. Don't lie. It's annoying."

The Handler stared at her. She shook her head and looked down, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket.  She laughed, putting the cigarette in its holder and lighting it, "You are a lot blunter than him you know." She put the cigarette in her mouth, "I can't decide whether I appreciate it or despise it."

The Handler shrugged, "But, now, I have to kill you. I hope you know that."

Y/n smiled, "Oh, I know. I just thought I could get out of this one." She turned her head so that she was looking at the Handler. Then she turned her head back to look ahead of her, "If you ever see Five; tell him it was a pleasure doing business with him, would you?"

The Handler chuckled, "I'll be sure to tell him everything. How you took my offer up like it was nothing." Y/n raised her eyebrows, turning to face the Handler again. "How you acted like a good girl."


The Handler ignored her, "How you worked hard. How you were coming down to train your shooting on your gun. How you tried so desperately to burn this place to the ground. And how you, tragically, died. How to ran to the roof and jumped off the edge."

Y/n smiled, "What an amazing story you can come up with there." She squinted, narrowing her eyes at the woman, "Don't you need a few more details than that? Don't you think that Five knows me better than that?"

Her smiled turned into a smirk, "But- uh- This whole things that you're doing to us? To the future. To my family. That little fire that you're trying to spread? That fire is catching. And if we burn, you burn with us."

She recited the line so well. It was one of her all time favorites.

The Handler smiled, "Where's that from?"

"Does it really matter?"

The Handler shrugged, "I guess not."

She walked towards Y/n, standing a few inches from her. She put her hand on Y/n chin, "I really am very disappointed in you Y/n."

Y/n smirked, "Good."

The Handler narrowed her eyes at Y/n. She stepped on Y/n's foot. Y/n stumbled slightly, and the Handler pushed Y/n's chest with one of her hands.

If it wasn't for Y/n being on the edge of the roof, she wouldn't have fell. But she was.

She started falling, looking up the Handler. She was looking down at Y/n falling, a manic smile on her face. Y/n glared at her and turned her head so that she could get a glimpse of the ground.

She saw that she still had about twenty-five feet. She looked up at the Handler and smirked, putting her two fingers to her forehead. She moved them, saluting the Handler. Moving the briefcase, she flicked open the latches and got swept away right before hitting the ground.


She groaned, "Fuck." She hit the ground hard. Just before hitting the ground back at the Commission, she got teleported back to the right time. Though, the impact was still bad; especially because she landed on the concrete. Her body had been turned a weird way before she hit the ground. So, she landed on both her right leg and her back.

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now