Jealousy and Jumbled Minds

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        "Please stop moping!" Indi moans, flopping into a beanbag.

Poppy fights with the end of her sleeve. "I'm not moping." She replies with a pout.

Indi rolls her eyes. "I don't know why you're upset. I know you had a fight with Sirius, but forget him. If he doesn't want to forgive you, he's not worth it. Besides, Nate Allen seems to like you plenty."

Poppy blushes, but shakes her head. "But Sirius is my friend and now he won't talk to me."

"He's probably just jealous." A voice chimes behind them. They twist around, noticing Charlie with a plate of cookies as Fimmy walks beside him with a soft smile.

Poppy flushes pink again. "I doubt that."

"I don't." Sybill casually states as she walks in with her divination work and takes a seat near Indi. "He always watches you when you're with Nate."

Everyone nods as Poppy blink confusedly. "What?"

"Yeah, it's actually kind of funny." Charlie grins.

"Yes! He gets that look on his face!" Indi agrees.

Poppy cuts in. "What look?"

"You know, where he looks like he wants to-" Fimmy's cuts off by Sybill.

"-punch him in the face." She states boldly.

"I was going to say stop you two, but Sybill isn't wrong." Fimmy sighs.

"Really?" Poppy asks and they all nod. Charlie hands out cookies as Poppy shakes her head to herself. "Well, that's not good."

"What do you mean?" Indi asks, about to take a bite of her cookie.

"Nate asked me to Hogsmeade today."


         Sirius has a plan and with the help of his best mates. he's going to get some revenge. Sirius had heard the news of Poppy and Nate pretty quickly, since Nate actually seems to be popular, even for a Slytherin. He knows he shouldn't care, but if he was being honest, he had forgiven her after the party. He actually felt bad for driving the girl to drink, especially on her birthday.

However, Sirius does not like Nate Allen. There was always something so irritating about him. He always smiled too much at Poppy and she'd blush. The same blush she had given him before. He's just- just-

"Sirius, mate. You're staring." Sirius is brought out of his thought by Remus, who places a hand on his shoulder to grab his attention. Sirius rolls his eyes, looking away from Nate, who continues to eat his toast obliviously. "I've never seen you so jealous." Remus grins.

Sirius glares at him, shrugging Remus' hand from his shoulder. "I am not jealous." He grumbles.

"Yeah, that's why you're planning his murder in your head." James jumps in sarcastically.

"I'm not." Sirius insists.

"Stop lying." Peter adds shyly.

Sirius sighs and pushes them away. "Come on, let's just do this prank." Remus goes to argue, but Sirius holds up a hand with a grin. "The marauders never turn down a prank."

"This is going to be a disaster." Remus murmurs, while the rest of the marauders nod with the exception of Sirius, who is still grinning evilly at Nate.


         The snow falls onto Hogsmeade, leaving a small layer of it everywhere. Poppy tugs on the sweater around her neck and breathes onto her cold hands. Nate said he'd be there, but he was running a bit late, making Poppy worried he wouldn't show up. However, all of those nervous thoughts disappeared when she noticed him walking towards her.

Although, her smile diminished a bit when she noticed that his hair looked insane. His usually styled curls were now straight up in the air as if he were electrocuted. It was even crazier than James' hair and that's saying something. Not to mention his clothes. His pale green collared shirt has multiple small rips and his scarf looks like it was torn in half. The right side of his coat was completely gone, like someone had gone at it with scissors. To round it all up, Nate looked like he was attacked. It didn't help that he had a shocked stare on his face, although she could see some anger building.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Poppy rushes over to him, taking off her own scarf to wrap around his neck. She takes off her hat too, putting it on Nate's head and takes his useless scarf and gloves.

He looks at her confused for a moment. "I don't even know."

"Okay," Poppy drawls slowly. "How about we go inside where it's warm and you can explain everything." She leads him inside the three broomsticks and guides him to a seat, a bit worried at his confused look. She orders them both a butterbeer quickly.

"Thanks." He replies quietly after she hands him his drink.

"What happened?" She questions.

He shakes his head to himself. "It all happened so fast."

Poppy stares at him for a moment. "Do you need to visit the infirmary? Because I'm a bit worried."

He gives her a small reassuring smile. "I'm okay."

"Just making sure." Poppy nods and gestures for him to start his story.

"I was on my way to Hogsmeade. I was early and everything, but when I pasted one of the classrooms a dog came out of nowhere and stole my scarf."

Poppy blinks. "A dog?"

He nods. "I know it sounds strange. There are no dogs at Hogwarts, but I swear it was there!"

Poppy bites her lip angrily. "What did the dog look like?"

"It was fairly large and pretty furry. It had black fur and a very large grudge against me." Nate answers then sips his drink with a sigh. Poppy closes her eyes and tries to hide her rage.


Of course it's him. There are no dogs in Hogwarts, never mind a black furry dog with a vendetta against Nate. Poppy pinches the bridge of her nose, irritated. She's going to have a word with him, whether he chose to ignore her or not.

"Anyway," Nate continues his story. "The dog still had my scarf, so I ran after it. Strangely, it went into one of the empty classrooms and the door seemed to open itself. I didn't think much about it, because next thing I know a freaking deerjumps straight at me! A deer!"

Poppy blinks and bites her cheek. If there was any doubt in her mind before, it's long gone now.

"I don't even know what happened next. Suddenly, I was stuck in the unfreeable goop and my clothes were ruined. My scarf was pretty much a clump of yarn and I had to cut my coat in half to free myself from the goop. Nevermind, the five minutes it took just to reach my wand."

Poppy rubs her temple irritably. "I am so sorry, Nate."

He gives her a smile after he takes another sip of his butterbeer. "Thanks, but it's not your fault."

Poppy places a comforting hand on his arm. "Yeah, but I have a hunch."


Happy New Years! Sorry for the crappy chapter. I'm still having writer's block and I really just wanted to update for you guys. I hope you still enjoyed it! :)

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