Pretty Rebellious Bucket Lists and Probably A Bad Idea

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         Poppy Evans isn't a very high strung person. She likes to think herself spontaneous as long as it doesn't involve too much human interaction, not that it was a problem, since no one knew she existed. However, since the dance it has been like everyone's watching her, waiting for the Evan twins next disastrous interaction.

Poppy wouldn't be lying if she said that she was incredibly upset that the dance ended up so horribly. She had worked so hard for a perfect ball, only for it to be ruined by Lily and her curiosity. Poppy would've been okay with letting Lily believe she didn't give her a gift, but the truth spilled out, like a broken dam. Even the teachers seemed a bit hesitant about the redhead girls together and made sure to not partner them up.

However, three weeks after Christmas Poppy's decides to make a small bucket list.

         1. Dance in the rain

         2. Do something illegal

         3. Paint the ceiling of the Great Hall

         4. Get a tattoo

         5. Kiss someone

         6. Pull a prank and get away with it

         7. Win a wizard's duel

         8. Go swimming in the Black Lake fully clothed

         9. Write a love letter

         10. Get a cat

         11. Play loud music and dance down the halls

         12. Give flowers to strangers

Poppy grins down at her parchment, before folding it and putting it in the side of her boot. The moon shines through her open window, illuminating her way to her door, but not before she pulls the blanket on Sybil a little higher.

She meets Sirius at the tree she was supposed to go after the horrendous Christmas ball, but never did. He leans against the trunk of the tree watching as Poppy runs towards him, her nose red with cold. She runs into his arms giving him a hug. Since the Christmas ball, Sirius and Poppy have become a lot closer than before.

"So, I have an idea..." Poppy starts, pulling back from the hug and reaching into her boot. She pulls out a paper and hands it to Sirius. "I've made a rebellious bucket list and I'm wondering if you'll help me fulfill it?" She grins as he reads over the list. His eyes have trouble tearing them away from number five, kiss someone.


Poppy ignores the stutter from him, instead pointing to a number. "I was thinking that we would go and do number four tonight." She looks up at him. "If you want to of course. You can be there for moral support."

Sirius glances down at number four. He furrows his eyebrows, looking at the smiling redhead. "You want a tattoo?"

She nods. "You can get one too. If you want, of course."

Sirius thinks it over. "Ok." He sighs. He's always wanted a tattoo, but there's always been a minor inconvenience. "I should probably mention I have this small phobia..." Sirius trails off.

Poppy groans. "Don't tell me that you're afraid of needles."

"I can't help it!" He defends, rubbing his arms as he's being haunted by the thought of them in his skin.

Poppy sighs. "You don't have to get one. I just need the moral support."

"No, I'll get a tattoo." He insists, more to himself than Poppy.


         Escaping Hogwarts was a lot easier than usual with the marauder's map. A few tunnels and a long walk later, they are sat outside of a muggle bus stop. Poppy giggles at Sirius' face as he looks around. He hasn't seen a ton of muggle things, while Poppy lived it for eleven years before finding out she's a witch.

Sirius looks baffled as the bus pulls up in front of them. He's taken muggle studies, but he's never seen one in real life. Poppy laughs, tugging him onto the bus. She gives money to the little box and sits down on a seat. Sirius follows her, a bit clueless.

He looks outside the window, watching the passing trees with awe. Poppy smiles at him. He turns to look at her. "How far away is the tattoo place?"

Poppy shrugs. "The bus ride should be twenty minutes and then we walk for five."

"That's a bit far." He comments, twirling with one of Poppy's curls.

Poppy smirks. "Yep, I brought you here to exercise."

He rolls his eyes, but stops when he thinks of an idea. "Let's play a game."

"Ok." Poppy raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

Sirius grins. "We come up with a backstory for each person on the bus."


He rolls his eyes playfully. "See her?" He asks, subtlety pointing to a kind old lady with grey hair and a large black bag. "She's the grandmother of a mafia boss. She is on her way to visit them and her bag is filled with drugs, because no one expects an old lady."

Poppy laughs, coving her mouth. "No! She's probably just coming back from some late night bingo."

"Bingo?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Muggle game." Poppy clarifies. "And her bag probably just has a free toaster in it for winning the game."

Sirius pouts. "My idea was more fun."


         After walking for five minutes and Sirius staring at the street lights, they make it to the tattoo parlor. It's not a surprise that it's empty considering it's late at night. A woman greets them at a little desk.

"Hello, we're here to get a tattoo." Poppy speaks up and tugs on Sirius' arm to make sure he doesn't look as curious about everything.

The lady pops her gum, bored. "Do you have a parent signature form signed?"

Sirius' eyes widen, not even thinking about that. His parents would never allow him to-

Poppy holds up two pieces of paper and places it on the women's desk. She looks at the paper for a second, before nodding her head and telling them to wait for a moment.

Sirius turns to Poppy wide eyed. "How?" He whispers.

She grins cheekily. "I had Ernie Prang sign to say I was his daughter and I forged a fake parent for you."

Sirius shakes his head with a smile. "Who knew you were so rebellious."

The lady comes back and talks to Poppy. "What do you want?"

Poppy holds up a sketch of a poppy flower. It's quite long and large. Sirius stares at the drawing, stunned she's getting such a large one for a first tattoo. The tattoo lady nods. "Where do you want it?"

"My back." Sirius raises his eyebrows with surprise. It seems she's more rebellious than he thought.

"Straight down the middle?"

Poppy nods, sitting into a chair and removing her coats and lifting the back of her shirt over her head, so the lady can start. Sirius finds it hard to tear his eyes away from her bare back, but goes around so he's facing Poppy. While the tattoo lady permanently paints Poppy's skin with her needles, Poppy's eyes close with pain. Some spots are more sensitive than others, but Sirius holds her hand.

Once they're done, the lady puts cream and plastic wrap over it, instructing that Poppy keep it on for at least an hour. Poppy stands, showing off her brand new tattoo. "How does it look?" She asks Sirius, who stares.

"It's beautiful! Me next!"


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