Crying and Cool Ideas

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        You can compare Poppy to a star. Not in the sense that she shines, but that it's not actually there. The star burns out before you see it. It's just too far that it takes time for it to disappear. You're left staring into the dark abyss of false light.

Tonight the weather affects Poppy's mood. The storm brewing in the bowels of the clouds turn the sky a dark shade of purple and blue. Rain pours from the sky, perhaps mourning like Poppy is. Just as droplets fall from the clouds, tears fall from her eyes.

Penny Evans rings over and over in her ears. And like that, Poppy finally understands. Lily doesn't even know who she is, just a blip in her lovely life and even though Lily has played such an important role in her life, Poppy hasn't left a mark. She would never think it would ever be this bad.

She knows that she and Lily aren't close, but it's like Poppy's her distant relative who she has to ask her parents about. They look the same, which doesn't help that Poppy will always be compared to Lily. She's nothing to Lily. Where Lily excels, Poppy fails. Wow, Poppy got a B on her science test, but Lily got an 100 on her math.

Poppy's over it.


         Sirius Black really regrets asking Lily about her. He can tell that it's not her name. The moment Penny left James' mouth she shut them out. Her green eyes were glimmering with amusement but now they're closed to hide the devastation. He can tell that James is confused.

"Penny?" He asks, making Sirius shake his head at his stupid friend. The red-head flinches at the name.

"Hey, Prongs. Why don't I meet up with you in the common room?" Sirius comes to her rescue. James looks at his friend, hesitating, but leaves when he catches his look.

Poppy can feel the stream of tears escaping just in time for Potter to disappear. She wipes them away with her sleeve quickly, but a gentle hand grabs her wrist, stopping her from hiding more cries. Poppy doesn't dare open her eyes to look at Black, but she's grateful for the comfort, even if it's just a hand on her wrist.

She chokes on a sob as her knees give out from under her. Black wraps his arms around her and she buries herself into his chest. He can feel her tears soak his shirt, but he really couldn't care less about it. He strokes her hair softly, trying to sooth her cries. "It's okay." He murmurs over and over, even though they both know it's not.

Sirius has never held someone like he has Poppy, but it's something he wishes he had when he's at Grimmauld Place. Mrs. Black is a cruel lady who tries to force opinions on her children, even by force. Sirius is used to the beatings he endures and it only fuels his opinions and strengthens his beliefs.

Poppy finally calms down enough to feel embarrassed. "I'm sorry." She whispers, hiding behind a curtain of hair. Sirius laughs, rubbing her back soothingly.

"For what?" Poppy glances down at his soaked shirt and points.


"Everyone needs a cry sometimes." Black shrugs, throwing her a small smile.

"Even you?" She asks.

"No" He denies, puffing his chest. "I'm a man."

"Men cry."

Poppy stands, offering a hand to Black. He takes it, memorizing the feel of her hand in his. He doesn't miss the specks of paint on her wrist and ink splotches on the side of her hand. An artist. He looks into her green eyes, glancing at her tear stained cheeks and pink nose.

"Are you okay?" He asks hesitantly.

Poppy smiles sadly. "Yeah."

"What's actually your name?" He questions, pushing back his silky black locks.

"You'll find out." She grins cheekily at him before running away from him, leaving him to stand there.


A Few Hours Later

         "Sundrop." Poppy tells the gargoyle, which spins to reveal a staircase leading to Dumbledore's office. She knocks on his door softly and bit out of breath. Five years at Hogwarts and she still gets out of breath from all the stairs and running to classes.

"Come in." Headmaster Dumbledore welcomes. Poppy pushes the door open and walks up to his desk. He smiles kindly at her, placing the book in his hand on top of his table and taking a seat behind his desk. "What do you need, Miss Evans."

Poppy smiles politely, but an excitement is written across her face. "I have an idea." Dumbledore nods for her to continue. "I thought that I could organize it and plan everything out, just in time for Christmas." Poppy starts, rambling about everything. "Or it could be after our break in case people need to go home and buy-"

Dumbledore cuts her off with a wave of his hand. Poppy realizes she's gone too far and her cheeks flush pink. "Sorry."

"It's quite alright. You don't have that look very often, so it must be a grand idea." He compliments, turning Poppy's cheeks brighter. "What's the idea, Miss Evans." Poppy beams from ear to ear.

"I would like to plan and organize a Christmas Ball."


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