Announcements and an Awkward Sister Encounter

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        Poppy's never been one for attention, nor does she ever receive it. However, her amazing idea for a Ball, which is supported by all the teachers, will bring awareness that she exists. Poppy can see it now, a bright Christmas tree and snow falling, disappearing before it can touch the students. The lights tinkle off the girls dresses as they spin and dance with their partners.

The teachers confirm her plan two days after her proposition. She can tell Slughorn is very excited. It's a bit late, having la little over a month to plan it out, but Poppy promised Dumbledore she can do it. The problem is her school work. She also promised to keep up with it, but school is already hard enough with her bad memory. Poppy even plans to carry around a notebook, so she can write down important things for the ball since she'd never remember it all.

Which leads to Dumbledore's announcement. Poppy sits at the Hufflepuff table with Charlie beside her. He can feel all the nervousness flying off her. Her hands tremble slightly as she curls them into balls, attempting to still them. Charlie places his hand on hers, stopping the shaking slightly. He smiles kindly at her and she returns a smaller grin back. He can see the twinkle of excitement behind the fear.

"Don't worry. It's a great idea." He whispers, right before Dumbledore walks up to his stand. He put's his wand to his throat and clears his voice. It echoes loudly throughout the Great Hall, grabbing everyone's attention. Shuffling is heard and people turn towards the Headmaster.

"Good Morning!" He says cheerfully. "I have an announcement and I'm sure everyone will be excited. On December 25, a Christmas Ball with be held right inside the Great Hall." The crowds begin to whisper and cheer. It doesn't take long for them to start to clap, getting louder by the second. Dumbledore lets them go crazy before lifting his arms to silence them again.

"The whole Ball will be planned and organized by Miss Evans." Every person turns towards Lily as she looks around confused. Her cheek flush from all the staring as she stammers to get an answer.

"I didn't-"

"That would be me." Poppy says softly, but loudly. She stands up, hiding her trembling hands by grabbing the sleeves of her mustard yellow sweater. She stands out now, with bright red hair, no uniform, and looking a lot like her popular sister. Whispers start up as she walks up to the stand Dumbledore was just at. Poppy can make out that they're asking who she is and that she's Lily's sister, and so much more that Poppy can't even focus on them.

"Hello. I am the organizer for the Ball." Her voice echoes out like Dumbledore's did. She's nervous, but doing really well at hiding it. "So, here are some key things you should know if you choose to attend the Ball. As our Headmaster Dumbledore said, it's on Christmas Day inside the Great Hall and the time to arrive is still being determined. A date is not required, but it's nice to have one. However, this is a girl's choice dance, meaning the girl asks the guy." Poppy smiles as she finishes speaking the most and largest amount of words to anyone and everyone.

"Thank you again, Miss Evans. Any more questions you have should be directed towards Miss Evans." Dumbledore tells them before turning back to hit seat and eating more of his breakfast. Poppy goes back to Charlie, who's smiling like a maniac.

"I told you."


         A few moments after the Ball is announced, many people are asking questions and girls are cheering. Students are chattering amongst themselves as the day goes on. The first person to come up to Poppy is some peppy blonde Ravenclaw, who practically attacks her by how excited she is. If someone didn't know about the Ball, they would now.

When Poppy goes to her first class of the day, people thank her and acknowledge her as she walks past them. It's the strangest thing. She feels like she suddenly switched bodies with Lily. In Charms class it's the same thing. Barely anyone is actually doing their work, but Professor Sherbet seems to expect it since he doesn't stop anyone.

By the end of the day Poppy is exhausted by all the talking and social interactions and really wants a break to be alone. The halls are finally empty as the sky darkens and the curfew starts. Poppy's never been caught and plans to never be caught. However, she's not in luck as she catches a glimpse of a prefect.

Poppy doesn't try to run, she's too tired to care, but the moment she sees the familiar red hair come into view Poppy immediately wishes she had run when she got the chance. Her very own sister and prefect strides up to her, but hesitates when she sees its Poppy.

"Penny?" She questions. Poppy sighs, closing her eyes so she could roll them without her sister noticing. She manages to hold back a flinch at the name. Poppy's gotten pretty good at hiding her emotions.

"Lily." She greets.

Lily smiles confusedly at her. "What are you doing out after curfew?"

"I'm going to my common room." Poppy tells her awkwardly, twirls a piece of hair between her fingers. She's always loved how much longer it is. It's a hassle, but it's her own.

"Um.." They stand there in silence for a moment. Poppy knows that Lily could give her a detention, she just doesn't know why she's hesitating. "Well, try not to do it again."

Poppy is shocked. Never mind the fact that they haven't spoken in literal years, but Lily breaking the rules? It's unheard of. She nods, walking past her to go to her common room. "Thanks Lily."

"Hey, Penny?" Poppy holds back another eye roll. Lily can feel the guilt of not knowing her twin, based on the very fact of how fast Poppy seems to want to get away from her. Lily can't even think of Poppy's favorite color, but a faint detail of her painting as a child does come back to her. "The Christmas Ball is a great idea."

Poppy blinks. That's not what she's expecting. "Oh, uh- thanks."

Lily nods. "I miss you." She blurts out unexpectedly. Poppy's heart feels as if it has stopped. Her feet are glued to the floor, keeping her in place. It's something Poppy has longed to hear and now it's finally happened. However, anger does seep in once the happiness fades.

Lily pushed her away and a simple "I miss you" will not solve it. Lily's had everything handed to her since she was born. Her excuses are bullshit and like a wise person once said. Some people are allergic to bullshit.

"Perhaps, we could hang out sometime?" Lily requests quietly.

But still, it's in Poppy's heart to forgive, or at least pretend, because if Lily died suddenly Poppy wouldn't be able to handle the thought of her sister being on worse terms than they already are, and with dark times ahead she can't take many chances. So, maybe it's okay to tell a lie.



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