Penny Evans and Painful Feelings

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        Lily Evans has always felt grateful for her life. With a great group of friends and loving parents. She's even grateful for Petunia, who became bitter when she went to Hogwarts. However, Poppy Evans does not cross her mind. She simply forgets. Yes, she'll see a photo of them as little twins, dressed in the same clothing, but when she thinks sister, she thinks of Petunia or her friends. Not the person who she shared the womb with.

Lily was the miracle child, the baby they were supposed to bury. Her parents had miscarried multiple times to be blessed with twins, but complications were present throughout pregnancy and even after birth. Lily came out small and barely breathing. The youngest and weakest of the family. Naturally, they worried and fussed over her.

And like that, Poppy Evans is forgotten.

It's always been Lily this and Lily that. In that way, Poppy could relate to Petunia. However, Petunia too brought achievements to the family. The oldest and the youngest, a power duo. How could Poppy compete?

The girls did loosen up after Lily and Poppy went to Hogwarts. The power duo faded. Their parents are around Petunia all the time, praising her boyfriends and cooking. Lily sent letters, telling them all about her high grades and great friends.

Poppy didn't send letters, nor did she ever receive one. She buried herself in painting and drawing. Being alone and feeling lonely is a learned experience, but for Poppy it's her lifestyle. Sometimes it's hard to remember a time when their parents spoke directly to her. And like blowing up a balloon with too much air, Poppy's like must pop.

Because no matter what, no one can stay in the oblivion for long. Or else you're bound to fall too far.


         "Oh, Lily Flower!" A voice sings out. Lily groans, recognizing the voice.

"What?" She snaps without turning around. Marlene and Mary giggle as Alice grins behind her hand. Lily really isn't in the mood for Potter's bullshit. She still feels a bit off from her flu.

"We come for information." Black makes himself at home beside her and Potter does the same, messing up his already crazy hair. He does it constantly, it annoys the hell out of her. Remus and Peter sit with her friends.

"I'm not letting you copy off of my potions homework." Lily immediately assumes, grabbing her bag of books tighter.

"I heard you got your ass handed to you, Black." Marlene smiles wickedly at them, saving Lily. "By a girl, no less."

Black looks away embarrassed and tries to hide his flushing cheeks. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"We want to know about your sister." Potter clarifies, flashing one of his irritating smiles. Lily's eyebrows furrow.

"Petunia? She's a muggle." Lily looks between them confused. Sirius Black rolls his eyes.

"No, the other one. She looks a lot like you." Lily thinks for a second.

"Oh yeah, She's my twin." She says nonchalantly, biting into a piece of toast. Not only are the Marauders staring at her, it's her friends too. "What?" She looks between the confused and shocked faces. "I never mentioned it?"

"No! You didn't!" Alice accuses. Lily rolls her eyes.

"Surely I must've said it at least once." Nobody goes to agree with her. She looks at them sheepishly. "Sorry?"

Black shakes his head. "What's her name?"

Lily's embarrassed to say that it honestly takes her a moment to remember. It's on the tip of her lips. "It- It's Penny." She stutters out. Black looks at her confused. It takes her time to remember her twin's name?

"Great! Thank you, Lily Flower!" Potter places a quick kiss on her cheek, making her jump back in disgust. She wipes her cheek with her sleeves the marauders rush to find her.

Meanwhile, Poppy squints at her book, repeating the incantations for her Charms class. Rictusempra, Incendio, and many more. She goes after every incantation from her first year to her sixth. Reading ahead makes it easier to remember. Poppy does the swishes, trying to recall every movement. She's not doing so well.

Poppy groans, putting her head in her hands. "I'll never remember!"

Fimmy and Charlie are quick to protest. "If you can beat Sirius Black's ass for a pen, you can ace a Charms test." Charlie says encouraging after biting into a sandwich Fimmy gave him.

"Charlie!" Poppy yells, making Fimmy and him jump. "That's bad language!" Charlie rolls his eyes and Fimmy giggles. "Besides, I feel bad for kicking him. It was just a pen. I have lots."

"I wish I could've been there." Charlie grumbles. Poppy sighs, pulling her long hair into a sloppy bun on the top of her head. A headache is forming from the stress.

"I'm going to apologize and give him a pen as a peace offering. God knows how hard they plan to prank me." Fimmy grins as Poppy gathers her books and leaves the Kitchens. The bubbly house elf turns to Charlie.

"They're definitely going to end up together."

"Ew, no."


         Poppy can see the Marauders looking around the Great Hall for her. She can spot their "secret map" in their hands, but they look more confused than ever, making her smirk. She swears she could walk around in a chicken suit and nobody would notice, not that she'd ever try.

She glances down at the pen in her hands. They tremble slightly. Perhaps she should talk to him after dinner. There are less people. Poppy picks up her bag and goes to leave, but a hand on her shoulder stops her. She turns to find the familiar grey eyes of Sirius Black staring into her green ones.


"Hello." She greets shyly, eyeing the people around her who are suddenly staring. She can feel the panicky feeling becoming worse. "Sorry." Poppy blurts, surprising him. "For kicking you." She clarifies.

"It's okay." He smiles, but hesitates when her breath catches. He glances around, noticing all the people watching. "How about we talk outside?" He offers.

Poppy sighs, relieved. "Yes." They exit together as everyone stares. Once they are far enough Poppy stops him by sticking her hand out. The same pen she kicked him for is held between her fingers. "I felt really bad, so I give you the pen as a peace offering." She smiles softly.

Black stares at the pen for a moment. He glances at her uniform. Hufflepuff, makes sense. Black takes the pen and their finger brush against each other, sending a shiver down both of their spines. "Thanks."

Right at that moment, Potter comes flying around the corner, almost bumping into the pair of them. "Hey! We found her." He says cheerfully. It seems Peter and Remus chose to finish their dinner instead of joining the crazy boy. Poppy doesn't blame them. He's hard to keep up with.

"I found her, mate." Black claps a hand on his buddies back.

"Why are you looking for me?" Poppy looks at the boys with confusion. "I just apologized."

Potter grins and points his finger at the red-head. "You never told us you're Lily Flower's twin."

"No, she never told you I'm her twin." Poppy clarifies, shaking her head sadly. James doesn't notice, but Sirius sure does.

"But she did tell us your name." Potter says. Poppy raises her eyebrows with surprise. Sirius tries to get his mate to stop, from what he's gathered Lily and her aren't close and something is seriously missing. (lol, siriusly)

"What's my name then?"

"You're Penny Evans."

The reaction is immediate. Her face is removed of all humor and is replaced with a blank look. Poppy can feel the tears leap to her eyes. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry is repeated over and over in her mind. She focuses on keeping the same straight face, even closing her eyes to keep the waterworks away. Her fists are in balls and her fingernails dig into her palm. She can tell they are staring at her, so she clears her throat, trying to make sure it doesn't crack.

"Yeah." Poppy takes a shaky deep breath. "I'm Penny Evans.


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