Conversations and Conflict

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         That night, Poppy panics. She's already aware of Remus' situation, but the near death experience was not fun. However, it was the one time Lily's tutoring came in handy. Poppy really did surprise herself though. The homorphus charm was a particularly hard charm to do and usually took men years to learn, if at all.

Poppy strange like that. Her two reactions to pressure was either a panic attack or a perfect response. It's only ever a hit or miss. However, her response after the interaction wasn't the best. The moment she got to her common room, her breathing sped up and the air felt thinner. Poppy doesn't really remember anything past that. Which leads to her waking up incredibly early on the floor of the common room and a pounding headache.

Poppy rubs the back of her head, sore. She must've passed out. It's early enough that no one is awake, so Poppy's safe from some more embarrassment. The smell of food wafts through the room, making her stomach growl. Poppy goes to her dorm to grab a change of clothes and shower.

When Poppy's finally pulled herself together, everyone is awake and having breakfast. Poppy sits in a chair munching on a random pastry she grabbed. Fimmy stands around awkwardly, as always, and Charlie's half asleep in a beanbag. Indi, who's still not used to the kitchens, is watching in fascination of all the house elves working.

All of a sudden, the marauders burst into the kitchen, causing all eyes to look at them. Charlie manages to stay asleep, even as they rush over to the eating red-head. They knock into other elves, who shoot them dirty looks. They nearly miss Fimmy, but Peter Pettigrew bumps into her tray, making it fall with a loud crash. Charlie stirs, but huffs before falling asleep again. Poppy applauds his ability to disregard everything for sleep.

For Poppy, it's not exactly a surprise that they were coming, but she didn't expect for them to bombard her in the Kitchens. They begin to start talking all at once. She stares at them for a few moments, before Potter shushes them. "How did you do that?"

Poppy stares at them more and in silence. She catches a quick glance at a confused Indi. "What do you mean?" Poppy asks. She knows exactly what they mean, but she's pretty sure they don't want her to tell anyone.

All together they begin speaking and Poppy doesn't catch much. They must be really stupid, because they are not catching the hint about other people in the room. "Would you like to discuss this somewhere else?" They all nod their heads and practically drag her out of the Kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Indi yells out as Poppy disappears from sight.

"No idea!"


         "How did you turn Remus back into a human?" Apparently, the broom closet was the best space to talk about it. These boys must never use their brain considering Pettigrew is being squashed by Potter and Sirius is a little too close to her. Remus is in the very back with a gloomy look.

"Um, I used the homorphus charm." Poppy murmurs once the boys are silenced by the upset Remus.

Sirius and James tilt their heads in unison. "Ho- What?"

"Homorphus charm?" Poppy repeats. They all glance at each other.

"How do you know it?" Remus pops in softly.

Poppy looks sheepishly at her shoes. "Lily mentioned it once when she was tutoring me."

"Can you teach it to us?" Sirius asks as James nods his head with agreement.

Poppy looks up sadly, shaking her head. "It's only been performed by two people in the entire world and both of them were in America."

All four boys jaw's drop. "And you did it." Sirius murmurs.

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