Confrontation and Chocolate Eclairs

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         Poppy Evans hates confrontation. She hates being confronted and confronting others. She tries to avoid any situation that could land her having to face someone. However, Poppy won't lie that she loves watching people comfort each other. Drama is juicy.

Watching James Potter ask out Poppy's sister is fun. Some day's he's creative, showering her in gifts, giving her gifts, even giving her flowers. It's great to watch the disgust on her face when he call her his "Lily Flower." It's easy to tell James is always left a little hurt by her when she's extra mean, but he seems to get over it quickly.

Sirius Black is another story. As entertaining as it is watching Black pick up every girl in Hogwarts, it's quite disgusting to see them snog in each corner. God, Poppy would rather rip out her eyeballs and feed them to Dumbledore than watch him defile them.

Today is no exception. It's hardly the third day at Hogwarts and he's snogging some Hufflepuff girl outside of the Great Hall. Poppy hasn't even had her breakfast yet and Black's already sticking his tongue down her throat. Poppy holds back a gag and refuses to eat in the same vicinity as the man whore.


         The kitchens is one of Poppy's favorite places. It always smells good and the elves are great company. Poppy enters the kitchens quietly, hoping that none of the students have decided to eat their breakfast there. Luckily it's just Fimmy, Poppy's favorite house elf, standing around clueless with a tray of treacle tarts. Other house elves run around her, preparing food.

"Fimmy?" She turns at the sound of her name and her large glassy eyes widen when she spots the red-head.

"Miss Poppy!" She squeals and runs over as fast as she can without tipping the tarts over. Poppy laughs as the tray begins to tilt, but helps Fimmy fix it.

"How are you, Fimmy? I missed you." Poppy takes the tray from her before her buzzing can make her ruin the perfectly nice treats.

Fimmy is honestly one of the outgoing of the elves. Most are all about work and are too polite to be honest. She is not like that at all. She's bouncy, energetic, and kind. The other elves are very used to Fimmy being lost, much like Poppy. Perhaps that's why she loves Fimmy so much. They share the same soul.

"I missed you ever so much!" Fimmy takes Poppy's free hand and pulls her towards a table full of pastries. "I made most of them for you. I'm so glad you chose to come today." Poppy grins at the little elf.

"Thank you Fimmy. I might spend every breakfast with you. Only if you don't mind, of course." Fimmy stops bouncing immediately and somehow her eyes get wider.

"Do I mind? Do I mind?" Poppy closes her eye sadly. She shouldn't have even asked.

"I would love for you to be here every morning!" Fimmy hugs Poppy's legs tightly, making her giggle and return it, even in the awkward position.

"You're the greatest Fimmy." Poppy picks up a chocolate eclair. "Literally."


         Poppy enjoys every class she takes, but she's not very good at them. From Defense Against the Dark Art to Divination, she's not good. Unlike Lily, who enjoys to study and takes in the information, Poppy struggles to remember basic fundamentals unless it's been drilled into her head over and over again. It makes it hard for her to retain her reading and even trying to recall something that happened the week before. To think back on spells is harder on her, for reasons unknown.

Perhaps the universe knows that Poppy with obtain nothing in her life. That she'll be be an "Oh, I think I saw her in my class once," or a "Who is she?" She's another useless, an extra in a sea of bodies. Maybe she'd be that person who always seems to die at Hogwarts, where people lie and say you were better than you actually were at your funeral, simply because they were guilty they never acknowledged you. Honestly, Poppy would rather no one come to her funeral if her sister ever said anything like that.

What's funny is that Poppy isn't even recognized as Lily Evan's twin. Nope, everyone's blissfully unaware that she exists. Lily isn't mean, she just doesn't interact acknowledge. When they were young, it was sweet. A pair of beautiful red-headed twins in matching outfits, cute.

Lily is gorgeous, kind, and smart. Poppy is...

Just existing.

She wouldn't call her self pretty, but Lily's lovely and Poppy's her twin. Like Lily, her hair's red, but Poppy's is longer and seemed to curl at the ends. Lily's eyes are a gleaming emerald green as Poppy's is an endlessly deep forest of hazel.

It seemed kind of funny to Poppy that despite Lily Evans being one of the most popular people in Hogwarts, that her sister would be the most forgotten.

Though when Dumbledore catches Poppy's eyes he has a look in them, like he knows something she doesn't. Well, it could be that or the crazy.

But something tells Poppy that Dumbledore is enjoying watching the drama unfold just as much as her.


         "Escuse me?" A voice squeaks out, followed by a soft tap on the shoulder. Poppy spins to find a young first year in front of her, looking up at her meekly. His hair is light brown and curly, and his eyes are innocent and the color of dark chocolate. The green and silver tie around his neck is sloppy, but only makes him look even sweeter.

"Yes?" Poppy manages to smooth out her voice. She'd only every been confident around animals and magical creatures, however the boy is just to adorable to ignore.

He looks to the ground bashfully. "I was wondering.." Poppy places a comforting hand on her shoulder and crouches slightly so she's eye level.

"Yes?" She questions softly.

"Would you be my friend?"

Poppy's never had someone ask that before, not once. She's tried to ask others, but confrontation is another subject Poppy fails at. I guess she's a little more visible than she thought. Now here she is, a fifth year, and a first year is asking to be her friend.

"I'd love to be your friend. I'm Poppy." The boy beams up at her, reminding her of Fimmy.

"I'm Charlie."


A/N: Well, since I already had people reading my story so soon, I stayed up really late to give another chapter. I really wanted an excuse to stay up again, so this was perfect. I also didn't edit this, sorry if there's spelling mistakes. I'll edit it eventually. I've decided that if this story doesn't get a lot of views  than I will take it down and only put it back up once I finish the story. 

I know barely anything happened in this chapter, but we just met Charlie! The next chapter is going to be a fun one, so stay tuned!!!

Also, comment what house Poppy should be in, because I think I can make her fit any house. I honestly think she's a Hufflepuff, but if you disagree, share your opinion.

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