Chapter 19

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Julie opened her eyes and found herself in a dark room, there were candles lining the room and white curtains draped on the sides. She furrowed her brows in confusion, this was different than most dreams she had. She looked down to see herself wearing a black dress.

"Step into my world." Her head bolted up as she heard the voice. It was Luke walking towards her, but he was dressed very differently. "Bittersweet love story about a girl." He was now right in front of her. "Shook me to the core, voice like an angel never heard before." One second she was watching her hands pass through Luke's, and the next she was dancing and singing a song she barely even knew.

"Here in front of me, shining so much brighter, than I have ever seen." Luke and her continued to dance and sing, and she had the weirdest feeling like she had been there before. As she danced with him she felt a strange sense of comfort with him, which made no sense considering she was not that close to him. But as she looked into his eyes it felt right. The song came to a close and he spun her facing the other way, and she new that the dream was over.

"Julie." She turned around in surprise, and Luke was still standing there. "You know that you have seen this before."

"It's familiar, but I don't know how it could be, this never happened." She replied. He raised his eyebrows at her. "Unless it did... Did it?" She asked in shock.

"Let's just say you imagined it, but not recently."

"You mean this is from before? It's a memory?"

"Yes, but Julie you need to think as hard as you can. Do you remember anything else from this day?" He urged her. She scoured her mind for any detail, but every time she thought she had something it slipped away.

"I... it's so close." She said, her face locked in concentration.

"Come on Julie, think."

"I can't." She sighed and looked up at him. He glared at her and looked like he was going to give up. But suddenly he stomped towards her and grabbed her hands.

"Look at me Julie. What do you know about me?" She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. "Julie when did we first perform together?"

"At my school." He smiled and continued to push forward.

"And what song did we play?"

"Bright." She raised her eyebrows. "Oh my god, some stuff is coming back to me." Her mind began to fill with scattered pieces of memory.

"Last question, What was the song called that I wrote for my mom?"

"Unsaid Emily. No way its all coming back to me!" Her mind started to sort through the memories and she realized that she remembered all of it. "Luke I remember!" She turned to look at Luke, but he was gone. She found herself suddenly jolting out of her sleep. "I need to go find the guys right now." She stood up and practically ran out of the studio with a smile spread across her face, she felt like a new person, actually no. She felt like herself.



"What are you guys doing?" Luke entered the house to see Reggie, Alex and Willie sitting on the couch watching TV with Julies brother and Dad.

"Shhhhh" they both yelled. Focused intently on the screen. Willie just shrugged in response.

"Jeez, calm down." Luke plopped down on the couch next to Reggie. "What are guys watching?" He was met with no response and let out a sigh before focusing on the TV himself. They stayed like that for a while and Luke began to wonder what had happened to Julie. She probably had fallen asleep out there, the girl had looked exhausted. About 10 more minutes went by when they heard a ring at the doorbell. Ray stood up to answer it. Luke continued to focus on the TV and heard Ray open the door.

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