Chapter 16

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Julie and Flynn walked side by side into the school.  Julie looked down as she walked, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.  They reached Julies locker, and the boys poofed in next to her.  She barely managed to hold in a scream as they did.

"Julie, I gotta go to my locker before class but I'll see you later in dance okay?"  She leaned in close and whispered,  "Are the guys here?"

"Yeah they are, so you can go, I'll be fine." She smiled as Flynn walked away.  She made her way to class, but just before entering someone yelled her name from behind her.

"Hey Julie!  I just wanted to say you did a great job last night!" A couple other class mates congratulated her, she did her best to put on a smile and thank them.  She was thankful when she was finally able to sit down at her desk. 

"You did great Julie." Alex told her as he crouched down next to her desk.  She was about to reply when Luke interrupted.

"If you're going to respond to us you should pretend you are calling someone, or you could write it down.  You know to avoid looking crazy." The guys looked at him surprised he had a good idea.  Julie nodded and took his advice before writing out a thank you in her notebook.  She sat through the first 3 classes without much problem, just a bit of confusion on all the work she forgot. By the time she got to lunch she was very ready for a break. She texted Flynn to meet her outside to eat.

"I forgot how much I hated school, and I didn't even have to do anything!" Luke exclaimed.  Julie laughed and went to sit down at the picnic bench.  Luke smiled to himself, at least he could still make her laugh.  Flynn joined them after a couple minutes, and they began to talk about their mornings.

"Oh yah! Flynn guess what?" Julie exclaimed.


"Despite my lack of memory, people seem to have loved the performance last night." Julie answered.

"Yeah we killed it!" Luke joined in.

"One of our best shows." Alex agreed.  Julie smiled sadly wishing she could remember it.

"So Julie do you wanna come to our rehearsal this afternoon? Maybe some of the songs will jog your memory?" Luke suggested.

"Are the guys talking? I'm very confused." Flynn commented. Julie laughed.

"Yeah they are, and if you guys think it might help then sure." Julie replied.

"Great! We can even look at some of the new songs you and I had wrote together!" Luke said.  He kind of looked like a puppy when he was excited Julie thought.  She laughed at his enthusiasm and focused back on her conversation with Flynn.


Sorry this was a super short chapter, but I promise things are going to start happening again soon!

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