Chapter 20

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Julie knelt next to Luke moving him to a sitting position against the wall. 

"Luke you are going to be okay!  Look at me!" He tried to focus his eyes on her, failing miserably. 

"Julie,  I don't feel so good." He said weakly.

"Luke just focus on me, guess what?"  She said trying to keep him in conversation.

"What?" He asked faintly. 

"I remember everything.  The band, our first performance, the Orpheum, your parents, and you Luke."  She smiled weakly.  "You can't go Luke because I have to yell at you for going in my dream box."  He gave her a small smile.

"Oops my bad." He let out a cough and a groan of pain.  Alex, Reggie and Willie watched helplessly from the side with tears in their eyes. Luke looked up at them. " I love you guys, you know that right?"

"Yeah, Luke we know." Alex's voice broke mid sentence. Reggie nodded. Luke turned his attention back to Julie.

"Jules, I am so sorry that I pushed so hard to get revenge on Bobby. If I hadn't maybe we never would have met Caleb."

"No Luke it's not your fault." His eyes began to close. "Luke hey, look at me. Keep your eyes open." He tried to push his eyes open, a tear ran down his cheek.

"Jules, I love you too." He fought to keep his eyes open but eventually they closed.

"No... No Luke wake up!" Tears began streaming down her face. "Come on please, we need you, I need you! I can't lose you too!" She sobbed. She slumped her forehead against his. "Luke, I love you too." She hugged him not daring to let go of him.

"Julie?" Alex said wide eyed. She opened her eyes to see Luke glowing in a similar way he had before. She pulled back from him, shock etched across her face. She looked over at Alex, Reggie, and Willie. They glowed the same way.

"What- What's happening?" Julie asked. She looked back to Luke who lie on the ground motionless. But suddenly his chest began to rise and fall. Julies eyes widened. "Is he breathing?"

"Oh my god, I am too." Willie said.

"And I have a pulse!" Alex joined in excitedly. Julie put her hand against Luke's neck and felt a pulse. His eyes began to flutter open. He squinted his eyes at Julie.

"Julie? What happened?" He looked around at the others who had expressions mixed with joy and confusion.

"I think you are alive?" She said not even believing the words herself.

"I'm what now?" He sat up with raised eyebrows.

"Luke, I think you guys are alive..." She repeated again.

"Alive?" He said it still in confusion. Soon the realization filled his face and he stood up really fast. "Oh my god! We are alive!" He enveloped Julie in a hug and the others joined in.

"Hold on, how is this possible?" Alex directed the question at Willie.

"I have no clue, but maybe someone decided we needed a second chance at life." He laughed. " I should probably get Caleb back to the ghost club before your Dad finds him here Julie... Can I take the car?"

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