Chapter 2

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"I have news!" Julie shouted as she came into the studio.  Her yell scared Reggie into falling off the couch.

"Jeez Julie, don't scare me like that." Reggie said as he pulled himself off the ground.

"Guess what? Flynn got us a gig!" This peeked the boys attention.

"Wait really? Where?" Luke asked excitedly.

"Tomorrow night at the winter dance!" The boys groaned in protest.  "Hey you guys owe me, so I don't want to hear any complaining!"

"You know what, a gigs, a gig." Alex replied.  "I'm just excited we are going to play again, even if it won't be quite as dramatic as our last performance."

"And painful." Reggie added.

"Yah, really looking forward to playing without having to poof out of Caleb's club first." Luke said. "So what songs were you thinking?"

"Well we haven't really had any time to write new ones, since the Orpheum.  I was thinking we could do songs the school hasn't heard, so maybe flying solo, or finally free?"

"Sounds good, so what time do we need to be there tomorrow?" Luke asked.  "Wouldn't want another incident like last time." He smirked.

"Well the dance starts at 8, but we don't go on until 9, so as long as you're there like 10 minutes before we should be good." She said before heading to the keyboard, to start practice.

"I think I might poof in even earlier, try to talk to some of those girls from dirty candy." Reggie smiled.

"Dude your still a ghost, they can't hear you." Alex pointed out.

"I know, I know, but what else am I going to do?"

"Good point, I guess?" They all walked over to pick up their instruments.

"Ohhh, and I forgot to tell you, but Flynn told me that you guys need to dress nice.  Which means Alex you have to ditch the fanny pack, Reggie ditch the flannel, and Luke wear some sleeves."  The boys began to protest but Julie ignored their complaints and began playing finally free.


The next day after school Julie rushed home to practice with the band before their performance at the dance.  As she entered she was greeted by the scene of Alex throwing clothes down from the loft.

"What are you guys doing?!" Luke turned to explain, when a flannel hit him in the face.  Luke gave Alex an angry look before turning back to Julie.

"We are trying to find clothes to wear for this fancy dance of yours." He looked around at the scattered clothes on the floor.  "As you can see, we are not having much luck."

"I only own flannels and leather jackets." Reggie complained.

"No you don't Reginald, you keep saying no to anything I suggest that is even remotely different." Alex commented.  "And Luke you are no better, I think you own all of 2 shirts that have sleeves."

"Wow, I did not know that this was going to be this hard for you guys." Julie chuckled.  "Honestly if you can just wear clothes that are black and white that's fine with me.  Flynn might not be super happy about it, but at least you won't be showing up in muscle tees. Right Luke?"

"Right." He replied defeatedly.

"Anyways, let's get to practicing, because the second Flynn shows up she's going to drag me up stairs to get ready."


Well there's Chapter 2!  Don't worry more drama will be coming in the next few chapters.

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