Chapter 11

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The boys cautiously made there way up to the stage, Luke's mind was flying a mile a minute trying to figure out a way to save Julie and escape. 

"Boys, it's so good to see you again!" Caleb said with a big smile on his face.  Luke ignored him and focused on Julie, her eyes were on the boys, but it was as if she wasn't really seeing them.  "Did you enjoy the performance?"

"Yah for sure, I really enjoyed the whole hostage situation on stage." Alex said gesturing to Julie.

"Oh, Julies not a hostage." Caleb waved the statement off.  "Julie you want to be here, right?" Caleb asked.

"Yes of course, you are the best to perform with." Julie said, sort of robotically.  The boys all shared nervous glances.

"Cut the crap Caleb, we all know your doing something to her." Luke practically shouted, his rage was now bubbling over. 

"I would never." Caleb smirked.  "But of course, if you boys agreed to join my band I'm sure I could persuade Julie to go back home." Luke looked at the boys with urgency in his eyes, they needed a plan, and fast.

"Can we have a second to think over your offer?" Alex asked.

"Of course, but don't bother trying anything, it won't work." He smiled and turned back to Julie.

"Does anybody have an idea that involves not eternally being trapped in this club?" Reggie asked worry etched into his features.

"We need a distraction." Willie said. 

"How are we going to distract him, there is literally nothing in this club except us." Luke replied.

"We just need something small, something that will buy enough time, to break Julie of Calebs spell." Alex said. The boys all thought for a second.

"I have an idea!" Reggie said.  "Alex you remember when we were in the club, and we were talking about how Caleb died and you said not to mention it?"


"Well what if we did mention it?" Reggie finished.

"That's actually a really good idea,  Caleb is very sensitive about that, he doesn't talk to anyone about how he died." Willie commented.

"Times up!" Caleb interrupted. "Have we made a decision?"

"Yeah, we will join your band." Luke said.  The guys turned to him, shock all over their faces.

"Wow I was expecting much more resistance-"

"But first we just had a question."  Luke said.  The guys finally realized where he was going with this.  Luke gestured for Alex to continue.

"Since we will be spending an eternity here, we wanted to know some of the history behind this place." That seemed to peak Calebs interest.

"What do you want to know?" Caleb questioned, slightly suspicious.

"When was this place created? Did you make it right after you died?" Reggie added on.

"It was created a long time ago, long before any of your life's, or deaths.  Yes, I created it after I died."
Caleb narrowed his eyes at the boys, slightly confused.

"How did you die again?" Alex questioned, as he began walking around pretending to admire the club.

"I don't really think that's your place." Caleb replied trying to keep his calm.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to bring that up if it makes you uncomfortable...  I just thought you would be more open to talking about the whole death thing considering you help so many ghosts struggling in the afterlife."  Alex faked an apologetic look.  Wow he was pretty good at this acting thing Luke thought.  Just then Alex flashed up to the upper floor balcony which overlooked the club.  "This really is a great place for ghosts to come."  He pretended to look around again.

Reggie and Willie joined in by flashing to separate sides of the lower floor of the club, all pretending to admire the club. 

"I don't know what you boys think you're doing." Caleb said sternly.

"Oh relax Caleb, they are just looking around, how would they escape anyways." Willie added.  This was Luke's shot, as Caleb was focused on the others he poofed next to Julie.

"Jules!" He whispered.  Her face remained in a blank stare at his face.  "Julie come on, comeback to us."  She remained under Calebs spell.  What could he do to snap her out of it, he began looking around frantically for anything that could help.  He glanced over at Alex, Reggie and Willie who were still keeping Caleb distracted.  But he could tell by Calebs tone that he wasn't going to fool around much longer.

His hand fell on his pocket, and he remembered the song.  He quickly pulled out the paper, and put it right in front of Julies face.  "Come on Julie, do you remember this?  I found it in your dream box, you can yell at me all you want."  Hoping that would tempt her to snap out of it. He looked down at the paper.

"Step into my world, bittersweet love story about a girl." He began to sing quietly.  There was still no recognition in her face.  He decided to skip ahead in the song.   Julie was fighting so hard, but even as she tried to scream his name, she couldn't get a word out.

"We say we're friends, we play pretend." Julie was trying so hard, she felt as though she was banging on glass trying to break through.  "You're more to me, we create the perfect harmony."  She felt herself finally break through the hold Caleb seemed to have on her.  Luke looked up at her with sadness in his eyes.

"Luke?" Julie managed to gasp out, she could barely speak, her head hurt so bad from resisting Caleb. 

"Julie?" Luke saw the recognition, and terror in her eyes.  He threw is arms around her in a hug. 

"You guys need to leave before he catches you." Julie whispered into his ear.

"Not without you." Luke replied firmly.

"ENOUGH!  I am done with these games!"  Caleb shouted at the guys.  He snapped his fingers and all the boys were poofed to the same place on the stage.


Wow, I think this is one of the longest chapters.  What do you guys think is going to happen?  Will the guys save Julie and get out?

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