CHAPTER 15: Rambling At 2:37 am

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CHAPTER 15: Rambling at 2: 37am

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CHAPTER 15: Rambling at 2: 37am


Ella slumped in her chair tiredly as she attended her class, she couldn't wait for lunchtime, her mistake/breakfast was a small cup of coffee and a bagel and now her stomach was whining for more food. She couldn't peacefully fantasize about her lunch because annoyingly enough, today her professor Mr Allen told them to work in pairs for their assigned project.

The classroom had an even number of students, so no one was left behind. A list of topics and student names was circulated in the class and when it reached Ella she scribbled her signature in the column next to it but before passing it onto the next person, she checked who else shared her topic.

Neo Conroy. Ella's gaze looked for the distinct face that matched with the name in their busy class, her sweeping eyes stopped on him, only to find him looking back at her as he was sitting a few benches ahead and had to turn around in his seat to find her.

Ella knew him as her classmate and the familiar guy who frequents the library. He was tall with dark hair and brown eyes and always wore hoodies that looked awfully comfy on him.

Recently she remembered the time when she took Eddy, her coworker's shift at the very last moment and was late to open the library doors, Neo was there waiting outside, looking pissed.

Ella smiled and waved at him, in hopes of being friendly to her new project partner. He merely looked away, but the next thing she knew, he picked up his bag and came to sit next to her to work together.

Neo and she have been in the same class since the beginning of the first year but they never really engaged in a conversation or any group activity together. Come to think of it, they never even exchanged names, but their class was tiny, so naturally, everybody knew everyone else.

"Hy Neo!" She greeted him warmly and he nodded back at her.

"Have you stopped frequenting the library? You're rarely seen there these days." For a moment he looked surprised that she noticed his quiet presence there, but brushed it off soon.

"Yes..." He said. His voice was deep and cold.

"I've noticed the books you issue seem very interesting, many of them are on my 'to-read' list." She told him, praising his taste.

"Can we focus on the project, for now, Ellen?" He said sternly and she frowned. A moment passed as she recovered.

"It's Ella, not Ellen." She corrected him.

"Right." He mumbled, looking absolutely unfazed as he looked away. Discouraged by his frosty attitude, Ella decided to focus on their work instead.

"Let's read up on the topic, it seems interesting to me." She said and when didn't receive a reply, looked down at her thick book of body language and opened it to look for a certain topic.

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