CHAPTER 1: In Ways You Wouldn't Know

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Thank you for choosing this story.

In this story, I've tried something new (Not new in general, but new for me) and so, first of all, I wanted to make a few (specifically 2) things clear;

I. ) This is an epistolary novel, hence the story is built around correspondence (meaning:- there's gonna be a lot of exchanging of letters).

II. ) The first few chapters will be just the letters and these chapters are shorter than others that will follow and would be slightly longer and have more context and descriptional narrative.

This story is written in heightened realism, the character's actions, dialogue and mannerisms are all slightly heightened for the sake of a better and more dramatic story, it does have it's roots in reality but if at times it seems unrealistic that's intended.

Do lean into the whimsical tone of the story and you'll enjoy it better.

That's all. Happy reading :)


A humble request to re-readers, Please don't comment spoilers and spoil the mystery for first-time readers. Thank you


Chapter 1: In Ways You Wouldn't Know

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Chapter 1: In Ways You Wouldn't Know.



17 Nov 2017

Dear You,

Where do I even start? I don't believe there's a beginning, middle and end to any of this.

All I know is that I was normal once, normal is subjective- I'm aware but my biggest problems were to get out of college unscathed and avoid trouble at all costs while being bored to the extent of no return. Classic life of a reluctant adult.

I didn't listen to love songs and instantly think of someone. I didn't read poems and feel like they resonated with what I felt for someone. I didn't walk into a room and felt my eyes restlessly search for someone. My thoughts didn't always get far away and end up on a certain someone, my fantasies, my dreams didn't star someone and my actions didn't revolve around the reactions of someone else.... until lately.

Love is a chemical reaction, they say. It doesn't last forever, they say. So why does it seem like I'll forever feel this way about you?

I can't fully understand it or I just don't want to. It's scary in so many ways. Exciting too I agree, but if a broken heart is what I'll end up with, I better be scared.

Scared is good. Scared protects you.

Like I said, I once was a normal guy, not this- desperate and stupid, pining over pieces of affection. But I don't even know how you slowly but surely walked into my life and disrupted everything to the point that I don't even remember how it was before "you".

Nothing was ever the same and seems like it never will be.

You were so blissfully oblivious though, you had no idea what you'd done to me. Did you?

I've asked myself this question time and again, would I want to go back to the time when you didn't affect me so much, change me? The answer is never obvious, maybe I'm just a little bit masochistic.

When I befriended you, how naive I was, how careless and reckless, did not know where the path led, until it was too late.

You have no idea how I had to prepare myself, summon a lot of courage to see you, talk to you and pretend like my heart wasn't beating out of my chest every time you casually twirled your curly hair. I would stay awake at night thinking of your beautiful voice and randomly smile during the day thinking of a hundred other things about you.

It's embarrassing how true all this is, it was hard for me to accept it after a long phase of denial. But I couldn't refuse it anymore when it became so blindingly obvious.

And then without a warning, it felt like my gravity shifted, everything was suddenly bound to you, as if I could go as far as I wished, but I'll always be tethered to you somehow. My heart will be pulled no matter where I am.

Is this it? Is this how it was going to be from now on? I reasoned with myself, how I couldn't allow this to happen, but I was already too deep, and my logical side had lost the fight. Maybe I should just prepare for those five stages of grief...

I don't know why I'm telling (writing) you all this, I know I would never let you read it for real. I've done some stupid things in my short time on earth, but I'm not 'that' stupid.

Wanting to be with you was like wishing upon a shooting star, in my heart I knew it won't come true but I couldn't help but wish for it anyway... I think that's what is keeping me together, all this wishful thinking and hopeful yearning.


(In ways you wouldn't know)

Someone who thinks of you...


This is the first chapter of the story (I know it's a bit short) and you might be a lot confused.

Yes, It is supposed to be confusing, but don't worry... things will be revealed as the story progresses.

Do leave your thought's in the comments and let me know what you find interesting, you can start guessing as to what the plot is, I really would like to know your ideas for the story...

Please do comment, I read each and every comment, your comments warm my heart, fill my soul and I look forward, to every single one of them...Okay, I stop with the exaggeration, but seriously...leave some comments. It really makes my day.

It would mean so much to me if you click the little star icon and show your support for my work.

Thank you for reading.

I dedicate this chapter to @PadmajaG1997 for all your valuable inputs that became a part of this story! Love you!

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Thank you.

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