CHAPTER 3: Dear Elliot,

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CHAPTER 3: Dear Elliot,

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CHAPTER 3: Dear Elliot,



3 Jan 2018

Dear you,

I saw you again today.

In the same book-cafe where we met for the first time and also a few last times, but it hardly qualifies as a meeting when there are more than a few feet between us and you refuse to even look at me, does it?

I froze, my gliding eyes came to a sudden halt on you, veins turned to ice, my fingers gripped the book in my hand tighter. I wondered why you were there, were you visiting?

My mind was torn again and the dull ache in my heart that I thought was in the past returned, along with bleak grief that lately I've come to associate with you.

Maybe that's why I'm writing this. This diary is my heart and these words, my pain...

You once were that fond face I was accustomed to in the otherwise morose campus, but all that changed a while back. You no longer make my day brighter just by walking into the room, it's all in the past now, and I long for those days like an infatuated fool.

The familiar setting brought back memories, much like when I find a piece of you among my things, or a note you left behind or a photograph caught in time.

Remember the first time we met? I coincidentally sat in a chair close to you while there was some book club activity going on and we were supposed to talk about our favourite fictional character.

You turned to me and asked, "Who's your favourite fictional character?" It was the first time you spoke to me directly and I was momentarily tongue-tied staring in your deep brown eyes.

It wasn't the first time I had seen you, but you never noticed me and I was over the moon that you finally did. I have always noticed you, I was a distant admirer as I kept to my corner, but I was curious about you.

"Elliot" I answered your question on a whim.

You thought about it for a minute and then admitted: "Never heard of it."

I nodded and replied, "That's because it's in the making."

You gave me a puzzled look as your brows ever so slightly furrowed "I'm afraid you didn't get the activity." You said.

To which I reasoned "You weren't specific, you asked fictional, not famous fictional."

You smiled a little at my words and mouthed almost to yourself "technicalities." We then talked about your favourite fictional character instead and I was happy to just hear you talk.

And that's all it took for me to harbour a crush on you.

I would regularly go to the book cafe hoping to run into you- accidentally on purpose, and so we met again after a few days. You spotted me from across the room and aimed that disarming smile at me, I never had a chance of escaping unscathed, did I?

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