CHAPTER 18: Sober Intoxication

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CHAPTER 18: Sober Intoxication

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CHAPTER 18: Sober Intoxication



Dear Annie,

'Worse than inadequate.' That sounds like a crossword puzzle and an unrestrained critique. I thought my responses were satisfactory to give you an idea about my unabashedly attractive physical characteristics and unique personality, but it seems my feelings weren't conveyed effectively.

Clearly, I need to improve my ability to answer your easy questions, and I must rectify this failure immediately.

You say you have no image of me in your mind- let me fix that real quick.

You say you have no image of me in your mind- let me fix that real quick

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There. You might find it hard to believe, but I watched myself in the mirror this morning and drew this portrait with my own artistic hands, quite accurately if I do say so myself. However I'm not very good at drawing hair, so you must pardon me for that singular flaw.

I am amazed at how well I was able to capture the details and subtlety of my appearance. You're welcome.

Ella scoffed, then sighed and then smiled, and seeing the humour in the whole thing she laughed. She should have known...shaking her head she read on.

Space-time quantum entanglement? Wow! Far-fetched? Yes, a bit. But not if you've been watching way too many sci-fi and romance movies (My guess- The Lake House).

Unfortunately, I'm interested in studying about it and I'm unfortunately a science student (though not quantum physics), so if I ever try to question such a thing people would only think I'm doing some research, no one will suspect that I've lost my mind, and even if I do go crazy, it's just an occupational hazard, actually considered quite normal. It does sound incredibly difficult though (If only I had the eye of agamotto and the tesseract), but argumentatively, if I really was in a different space and time, I'd definitely try to breach it, for your sake.

You keep giving me so many reasons to.

Ella couldn't help the grin that took over her face and she read further.

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