CHAPTER 33: I Don't Know...

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CHAPTER 33: I Don't Know

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CHAPTER 33: I Don't Know...


The day passed slowly yet Ella wasn't aware of its passing as she lived like she always did, but a cloud of melancholy seemed to follow her around. She was coming to terms with the absence of a very important element of her life- one that she didn't realise had been so essential since she left that letter in the library a few days ago,

She stared long and hard that morning at the bottom drawer of her desk where she kept the bundle of his letters and wondered what they meant to her now?

Ella thought that question was one that only those who had written or received letters will truly understand how hard it was to answer, just because the chapter was coming to a close didn't mean everything that's in those letters, everything they represent- it all disappeared. There was nostalgia there, longing and hope, a lot of meaning and heart was put into them and that's never going to get old or meaningless no matter how much time passes.

Ella knew she would always cherish those letters just as she stated in her letter and she hoped there were no hard feelings from his side for how the correspondence ended.

"Hey Ella, are you okay?" Neo's voice snapped her back into reality and she stared into his eyes feeling disoriented. "You've been in a daze since our presentation ended, if you're worried about how it went, then don't, I think the professor was really impressed."

She replayed what he asked in her mind and registered the question before forcing herself to smile up at him, only now realising the class was empty and they were the only ones present there. "I'm fine."

Neo watched her with a concerned frown as she stood up, packed her bag and slung it on her shoulder, "You don't seem fine, class ended ages ago, but you just sat there unmoving, don't do that again- it gives away that you weren't paying attention and professors might not like it." He joked and got a real smile out of her.

"Thanks for the head's up." she said as both of them exited the classroom, joining the few people lingering in the corridor. "Isn't your next class the other way?"

Neo glanced at his wristwatch "Shoot! I have to rush, my class is about to start..."

"See you around..." She smiled at him and he nodded.

"Yeah." He mumbled and then he took a sharp turn and briskly walked away, "take care of yourself, sometimes you worry me." And then he was gone.

His urgency was understandable, all the professors were rushing to end the semester, there was an imperative air mixed with the cold atmosphere as everyone looked forward to the holidays in a few weeks while tortuously studying for the upcoming exams.

Ella was in the same boat, trying to stay afloat with her grades while holding on to her thick textbooks that seemed to be her impending doom.

As lunch time rolled around she had fallen in step with her roommate as they walked together to some place Nora deemed adequate for their meal.

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