CHAPTER 4: I Should Have Known.

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CHAPTER 4: I Should Have Known

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CHAPTER 4: I Should Have Known.



5 Feb 2018

Dear You,

I think I write to you because it's the only thing I can do that still binds me to you.

Sometimes I imagine what it'd be like if I posted one of these letters, would you be surprised? Appalled? Would you reply?

I'd like to think you would, but deep down I know you wouldn't... and I'd probably make excuses for you: "Maybe it didn't reach her, maybe it got lost in the mail."

Still... It would be nice to receive a letter enclosing all our yesterdays.

Last time my mom called, she asked me about you, I didn't know what to say, it's been months and I've avoided talking about you, but something snapped in me this time and I told her everything.

Told her that we're not together anymore... That you left.

She heard me out patiently even though she was probably busy with work and had just called me to talk for only a few minutes. The phone call lasted a while as I went into details. She seemed disappointed about what happened, not in you or me, just that we couldn't help the situation and that we didn't try. It felt nice to talk to her, she really liked you and she was unhappy, although she didn't say it, but I could understand.

Do you remember the book you gave me on my birthday; 'The Universe Of Us', I finally cracked its spine, it's still sitting on my nightstand and the words within made me wonder a lot, about you, about us, about what went wrong...

Do you still play your cello, I hope you do, you love it. Remember the recording you had sent me before one of your performances, I still have it on my phone, all the pictures...everything. I listened to that song on loop until I cried. I don't even know why but I suddenly felt so emotional.

You've left behind a lot of small gifts, words as souvenirs and songs as mementoes and so you come to mind in different forms, sometimes as mundane but beautiful memories, sad smiles, resentment when I'm feeling bitter and each time you are equally unsettling.

How can we go from being lovers to perfect strangers so suddenly?

I guess it does feel like the world is against you when the one person who means the world to you turns their back on you. I should have known it would end this way, it was too good to be true. I still think we could have made it work, but it was too late. You had made up your mind and nothing can change was set in stone.

I think of you less and less each day, but it's still more than I wish I did. I miss you less and less each day and I wonder if I really miss you or if I miss how I felt when I'm with you? Maybe it's all the same.

Maybe it's true, maybe time heals all wounds. But I'm someone that needs more time...


(Hopefully not for long)



3 Sept 2018

Dear Elliot,

I don't know what to say...

Except, I'm feeling really upset and angry and somehow protective, it almost feels like someone kicked a puppy while I watched.

That was such a weird analogy... but I don't know how else to explain myself.

I still have no idea as to what really happened there but I'm feeling emotional after reading that. Emotional and really, really curious. Writing these letters must have felt therapeutic for you, right? I really wanna know who you are now...

Wow. I'm so nosy... when I first started reading I never thought these letters would get so deep and personal.

I feel like I'm seeing a side of you that you never allowed anyone else to witness. I'm sorry for being so intrusive.

Remember how I doubtfully said you write well in the first letter? Well, I have no doubts about your amazing writing abilities now and if she's someone who wouldn't write back a simple reply to one of these ardently written words I would say you deserve better.

But, maybe I'm biased...I can hardly keep myself from replying to these letters that aren't even addressed to me.

I really need to get a life...

Although I keep forgetting I don't know the whole story, I don't even know just one side of this coin well enough. Who am I to pass judgement? Maybe you did something unforgivable, maybe she did... Maybe you were both at fault. Relationships are tricky that way, it's hardly ever just one person's mistake entirely. Sometimes the situation doesn't help.

I was so hopeful in the beginning, like I said I'm always rooting for happy endings, even in a coincidentally found diary of letters. But to see you talking about the end already, makes me sad.

Also, now you have made me curious about 'The Universe Of Us' maybe I'll check it out and see what it has to offer... gosh I'm considering my next read from a random diary, what's wrong with me?

To be completely honest... A part of me is still holding out hope that everything will be fine for you. Maybe I'm more of a hopeless romantic than I originally thought.

And if not...For your sake I really do hope time will heal all wounds.

Your well-wisher



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