CHAPTER 16: Embrace The Absurdity

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CHAPTER 16: Embrace The Absurdity

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CHAPTER 16: Embrace The Absurdity


Ella was crouching low on the side of pavement in her university campus as she looked down at the ground pretending to find something, while her entire focus was set twenty feet away from her on two people who were talking to each other about what? Ella had no idea. It was scary if not horrific and she wanted to stay and make sure nothing gets too out of hand.

Suddenly someone appeared next to her and scrooched down to join her, "What are we looking for?" a deep voice asked, catching her off guard.

Ella suddenly looked up at the presence of another human being and almost fell flat on her face since she was balancing on the balls of her feet. "What the-"

Andrew's green eyes widened a tad bit as he reached forward to hold her shoulders to steady her, " careful." he said.

"Don't give me a fright like that!" she said, putting her hand on her heart.

"But that's part of my charm. I look pale and illusory and I use it to my advantage!" he said flatly.

A small smile tugged at Ella's lips but she fought it, "Don't try to make me laugh, I was in the middle of something and you're being a distraction."

"What am I distracting you from? What are you looking for? Need help?" He asked swiftly.

"I'm pretending to look for something I never lost..." She told him. "It's kinda my cover for tailing my best friend."

"Ooh intriguing, tell me more..." he actually sounded interested in her stupid mission.

Ella discreetly pointed at Nora and a guy she was talking to twenty feet away as she said, "That's her and she's talking to this innocent guy probably named Elliot... I tried to stop her but it seems she's totally disregarding my wishes for the sake of my safety."

"Uh-huh...I'm gonna pretend like that makes sense." Andrew nodded as he looked ahead.

"I'm trying to make sure she doesn't take him out," I said, sounding absolutely serious.

"Just to be clear, you mean to take him out like, on a fun date or kill him in cold blood?" he asked.

"The second one..." she confirmed his fears.

"Oh.." He nodded grimly, "Oh no...that's bad." he said looking at Nora, "She just twisted his arm ouch that looks painful."

"Yeah, she's feisty like that," Ella said, looking concerned as she frowned. "Should I intervene?"

"No don't!" he said, "It's not too bad, besides I wanna see where it goes," he said, looking entertained at the scene in front of him.

"Seriously?" Ella gave him a pointed look. "If he dies I'm blaming you!" she told him.

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