Chap 22

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Happy New Years everyone  this book is officially nearly 3 months old in 7 days and Wow I just want two thank you all for so much and I hope you guys spend your holidays with your loved ones and I'll see ya'll in the new year.


As the Gaang flew towards another island with Katara whipping up a cloud around them for some cover, (Y/N) was pretty entertained with just running her hands through the clouds. But soon she felt them decent and saw a small beach ahead of them with Aang pointing out "Hey I think I can see a cave", Sokka put a finger to his lips and said "Sh! Keep quiet" to which (Y/N) rolled her eyes saying "says you". Sokka huffed a bit angrily causing Toph to stifle a small quiet laugh.

Aang eventually airbends the cloud away as Appa lands on the ground, Sokka jumps down and The rest of the group follows. (Y/N) noticed that Sokka had his arms crossed and bgan talking "Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud that knows how to keep its mouth shut" Aang laughed nervously and (Y/N) "Once again, says you" which stifled another quiet laugh from Toph "Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in." Toph did a small hand motion and the gang laughed except for Sokka "Hey, we're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds." He pointed to the birds and (Y/N) had already gotten out some bread and was feeding them "they're just birds chill dude."

One toucan puffin jumps onto Sokka's head and screeches.The rest of the group laughs at him and walk toward the cave Aang found, with Sokka following behind. Suddenly, he jumps above them and comes 'diving' down. He looks suspicious, with him running into the cave, followed by the rest of the group. (Y/N) laughed saying "You've been hitting the cactus juice?" "NO! This is emey terf we can't get too comfortable". He said, continuing to 'investigate'.

Once Sokka finally finished everyone else had already gotten comfortable with (Y/N) already half asleep resting on the wall, Aang was playing with Momo and Katara was setting up the campfire for tonight. Katara looked over at the asleep (Y/N) and said "Hey (Y/N) can you light up the fire?" She groaned and shot a flame at the sticks setting the aflame. Sokka cleared his throat and said "Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins.] Hiding in cave after cave after cave after cave ..." Katara put a hand on his shoulder and said "Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes."

(Y/N) groaned and Aang piped in excitedly "Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out. If we get Fire Nation disguises, we would be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave" Toph was sitting down with arms and legs folded "Plus, they have real food out there. Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave hoppers?" She punched the wall and a bunch of cave hoppers came out and Momo ate one, (Y/N) looked at them and said "Do we have to, I prefer my clothes more. Besides we have NO money how are we gonna get them?."

Katara smiled and said "Well let's steal some then" Toph was already interested saying "Stealing? Count me in!" she got up using earthbending and forced (Y/N) up as well, the group walked out with (Y/N) already feeling a little uncomfortable they came upon a house with clothes drying on a clothesline. (Y/N) looked at the options and a couple things stood out to her: they were all hidden behind a rock wall and Aang was already having second thoughts. Katara jumped out and said "I call the silk robe!" Suddenly everyone ran towards the clothes they wanted, grabbing everything they needed.

They all left and all got changed in their new outfits, (Y/N) chose something with good mobility and stylish with the standard red and black style for the fire nation. She firebent and said "I look like a real fire nation person huh" Toph put a hand on her shoulder and said "I think you look great" (Y/N) rolled her eyes and said "Since when could you see" Toph laughed and said "I'm trying to make you feel better" she punched her arm.

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