Chap 2

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Man this is lots of fun I've never ad so much fun writing before, imma keep going!!!!, also thanks for the support on the first chapter so far. I'm glad people like it so enjoy this chapter.


The lights dimmed as Toph walked up with the two ladies by her sides,the announcer then said "Now the moment you've all been waiting for, The Boulder Vs your champion....The Blind Bandit!!" The crowd roared loudly as the lights brightened to present Toph holding up her belt, (Y/N) cheered with the crowd with a big smile on her face. The ladies took Toph's cape and belt, while the boulder says after "The Boulder feels conflicted on fighting a small blind girl" (Y/N) got a chuckle out of that and Toph came back with "Sounds to me like you're scared boulder". (Y/N) laughed and said "there it is" while The boulder looks a bit annoyed "The Boulder is over his conflicted feelings and now he's ready to burry you in a rock-a-lanch", "Whenever you're ready, The Pebble" Toph said back and laughed after which made (Y/N) just smile.

The fight was pretty much over in a couple seconds which was to be expected, Toph being the reigning champion and all. (Y/N) was ready to leave with Toph but the announcer said "To make things a little more interesting, I'm going to give this sack of Gold pieces to anyone who can defeat The Blind Bandit" (Y/N) mumbled to herself "Yeah like anyone wants to or will". Until a small boy says "I will" which shocked the audience and (Y/N), soon they began to fight and it seemed like the boy didn't want to and it also looked like he was...floating?. After a while Toph was pushed out of the ring and fell to the floor, (Y/N) rushed over and helped her up saying "You okay?"Toph looked mad and walked to where they both had entered while the young boy who just won and became champion tried to call out to Toph and (Y/N) gave him a dirty look before Toph shut a earth door in his face.

They both walked through the cave Toph still very mad at what happened, (Y/N) put a hand on her shoulder saying "Hey Toph I think the boy cheated" after that comment she just blew up "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!", (Y/N) took a step back a bit shocked from the sudden outburst. Toph stormed off still mad, (Y/N) just sighed following behind keeping to herself.

They eventually got to the house and got into her room through a secret passage, (Y/N) headed to her room and got changed into her uniform, she just went back to her duties. (Y/N) was called to stand by Toph's side as the earthbending teacher spoke to Toph's parents about her training, it hurt (Y/N) to hear all about not going past breathing exercises and beginner level and basically treating Toph as if she were a fragile snowflake.

Suddenly one of the other servants interrupted the conversation telling the Beifongs that they had a visitor, Mr Beifong got mad asking "who thinks they're so important they can come to my home unannounced!" to which the servant replied "Uh the avatar sir" Toph suddenly jolted from the name and (Y/N) rested a hand on her shoulder which made her relax a little. Toph now just looked annoyed which made (Y/N) a little confused

The family was sat at the table with three guests, (Y/N) tried to keep out of sight since she recognised all three, they were the ones she bumped into. (Y/N) sighed to herself and walked out with a tray with some drinks and food on it, she served Toph and her parents before standing by Toph's side who (Y/N) could clearly tell was annoyed. Her father then politely asked if someone could blow on Toph's food for her since it was pretty hot, before (Y/N) did the Avatar who's name was apparently Aang did it for her with his bending.

Mr Biefong asked how much longer the war would last, which the Avatar responded "I'd like to defeat the Fire Lord by the end of summer, but i can't do that without finding an earthbending teacher first" He looked straight at Toph which seemed to annoy her more, so (Y/N) faked coughed and glared at Aang before saying "pardon me just had something in my throat". They all got back to their conversation with Mr Biefong recommending Master Yuu telling Aang about how he's taught Toph since she was small. Aang then said "Then she must be a great Earth bender...." referring to Toph.

Before Aang could finish his sentence Toph used earth bedding to send an attack at Aang under the table which made him jump up and yell "Ah!" (Y/N) held in a laugh but couldn't hold back a smile. They kept on discussing going back and forth about Toph which caused Toph to send another attack this time pulling the chair so Aang splats his face in his food. Which he retaliates by 'accidentally' sneezing and sending the food into Master Yuu's, Mrs Biefong's and Toph's face.

This caused Toph to stand up and yell "What's your problem!" Aang then retaliated with "What's YOUR problem!", (Y/N) tried to calm Toph down but it was no use she was already too mad from today. 

Later on (Y/N) was washing up dishes and saw Aang and Toph talking, she smiled to herself hoping it would all work out between those two, Aang was right she could teach him earthbending she's the best earthbender she knows. She then noticed Toph's head jerk and (Y/N) instantly knew something was wrong she ran out to the garden in a panic to see two metal cages and a bunch of the fighters surrounding it, but before she could do anything she was knocked out.....

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