Chap 20

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Hey y'all I just started watching LoK and man you cannot believe how many time's I've cried through it and I'm only 1 and a half seasons in, but anyways lets get into the chapter.


Disclaimer: This chapter takes place before Aang wakes up on the fire nation ship.

Appa had landed at Chameleon bay, around where many water tribe tents were set up and a couple soldiers were walking towards and from tents and ships. (Y/N) was still half asleep on Toph's lap who now was trying to help her up with Sokka helping, (Y/N) grunted at the feeling and soon was handed over to some water tribe soldiers who took her to a quite large and grand tent which had many medical tools and supplies inside. She was laid down on a bed next to the unconscious Aang who was laying face down, she noticed the prominent scar on his back and foot and couldn't help but feel guilty.

A couple of the men started to treat their wounds with (Y/N) sitting up and just looking around, she would wince in pain at times but kept a bold face on. She heard the rest of the Gaang trying to get in to visit but the men outside refused, (Y/N) wanted to speak and call out for them, but it was like her voice was gone it felt horrible, she felt helpless at the moment and eventually their yells of plead faded away and so did the world around her all turning black.

She didn't know how long she was out but when she woke up she felt horrible like all of her organs were on fire, she shot up from the bed and yelled alerting all the people around the camp. Toph was the first to run in with Katara and Sokka following close behind, (Y/N) vision was blurry with tears, the pain was unbearable, she heard muffled voices of her friends until one stood out to her. The voice that she longed to hear was all so clear, she looked towards the sound and in her blurry vision saw the silhouette of the love of her life "(Y/N) calm down I'm here, tell Katara whats wrong" (Y/N) looked over to the two other silhouettes and said "It all just hurts...w-what happened?."

Eventually Katara was able to use her healing bending and took away most of the pain and (Y/N) could clearly see, the group gave her a hug to which she hugged back saying "Thank you all" To which Katara held tighter responding to her in a calm gentle voice "No.. thank you, I don't think we could have fought off Zuko and Azula without you. You've done so much for this team." (Y/N) laughed while tearing up again "Oh come on stop making me cry, I've done so enough" The whole group laughed and eventually Katara went over to Aang to do his daily healing session.

Sokka smiled over at her and said "So you have any questions because I'm the answer guy!!" he smiled and (Y/N) smiled saying "Well uh what happened, last thing I remember was me laying Aang down on Appa." Sokka began talking about everything that's been happening so far and (Y/N) sighed saying "I've been out for a while huh." She heard Toph sigh sadly "Yeah, we were all so worried. Even though this isn't the first time you've gone in a coma" (Y/N) laughed nervously and said "Yeah...."

After a couple more questions Sokka let them be and (Y/N) said "Hey Toph-" She was interrupted by sobbing coming from Toph and (Y/N) immediately looked panicked standing up to comfort her, Toph held back tightly and said "I can't believe you, you're so willing to give your own life for your friends. You forget that you have people who care for your own safety!!! You're so Stupid!!!" She hit her back repeatedly for a bit to which (Y/N) winced a little. Toph stopped after a bit and sighed, (Y/N) lightly grabbed her chin and tilted it up to look at her. She wiped her tears and said "I'm sorry I made you think that, but I made an oath to myself that no matter what I would protect Toph, and if that hurts me then I'll happily do it.....

I'll do it for her"

Toph smiled at her and reached up to the necklace around her neck, she rubbed a thumb over the small design on the pendant and said "Then I'll make an oath to do the same for you" The two laughed and hugged each other tightly eventually Toph was called outside, so she looked at (Y/N) and said "now get some rest or else" she used earthbending to make her fall back in bed, (Y/N) laughed and got in. Waving goodbye to her.

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