Chap 11

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Well this is all made from my head this not cannon to the show and I can't believe I did this, I'll probably be doing a lot more of these but I'm not the best. So I hope you enjoy this chapter

Stay spicy (like my new  catchphrase? )


After the group had gotten out of the desert they had taken refuge in a small rocky mountainous area with a small river flowing through, with no food they each had to go get some food and try to build tents from the surrounding area which to the left was a forest. (Y/N) had been put on tent duty and since her and Toph's fight she had to make an extra tent but that was harder than expected, while putting the last sticks and branches on her tent a giant boulder crashed down and annihilated the tent.

(Y/N) whipped her head around to look at Toph who was facing the other way, (Y/N) glared and shot a bit of fire at her feet which made her jump and whip her head around as well. (Y/N) put up her hands and said with her voice laced with sarcasm "Oops sorry Toph". Toph rolled her eyes and launched her into the air with a pillar and said back just as sarcastically "oops", with a large thud (Y/N) hit the ground and said "Just let me build my tent dirt for brains" to which an irritated Toph responded "fine!"

Aang, Katara and Sokka just watched them a bit worried about the safety of themselves and the two girls if they didn't solve this problem soon, at this point they were about to have another fight like they have been the past couple days. Aang stepped in between the two girls who were glaring eachother down "Guys you need to let this go, (Y/N) was just looking out for you To-" Toph interrupted crossing her arms "I don't need anyone looking out for me, I Don't need you (Y/N)" (Y/N) just gave out a pity laugh saying " Oh really?!, then I could just leave and never come back huh! Am I that much of a reminder of your parents! Just a burden" Aang was panicking now and Katara stepped in talking to (Y/N) in a caring voice "I don't she does, you two are friends". A stomp was heard with an angry Toph now yelling "Well if you put it like that then, Yeah you really are!" (Y/N) recoiled and Toph then gave (Y/N) a sorrowful look "Wait I-".

(Y/N) had already ran off into the woods somewhere, Sokka sighed saying "Too far Toph" he began walking after (Y/N). Toph just looked down, not responding to anything Katara and Aang were asking her. She contemplates her actions towards (Y/N) she had been a horrible friend but it was still (Y/N)s fault. Or was it?. It was like a warzone in her mind going back and forth between arguments and eventually she just sat in her earth tent and kept to herself. Meanwhile (Y/N) was out in the forest in a secluded area just doing some firebending to get what just happened off her mind, sure her and Toph had fought but never like that before. It hurt. It's not like Toph hasn't said that to her before but it hurt so much more this time, she was confused.

Sokka came towards her which startled her and she sent a fireball at him to which he said "AHH! Hey calm down it's me Sokka" (Y/N) sighed and went back to training, she basically drowned out everything that Sokka was saying and doing, trying to get her attention. Sokka eventually gave up heading back to Aang and Katra "I got nothing, she's just in no man's land" Sokka said defeatedly putting his head in his hands, Aang who was worried said "It's late and I'm worried about them. You think we should get (Y/N) back here?" Katara sighed and said "there's no point, Toph really did a number on her. I say we get to bed and hope we can talk to her in the morning" All three agreed to head to the tents and so they did, but Toph had been listening in and decided to go see (Y/N).

It had been a couple hours but it felt like only minutes to (Y/N), she had burned down many trees and basically turned the grass around her to ash, it was late and she could tell it was around midnight since the moon was right above her. There was a small rustle of leaves heard a young but fully grown Platypus-bear charged at her, she is quick to defend herself with a wall of fire and tried to use her new technique she had learned from watching Toph earthbend over the years, she planted her feet and and stomped the ground sending a trail of fire turning into a pillar of flames which knocked the platypus bear down. She cautiously backed away before it stood up again charging once more, before she could do anything, pillars of rock surrounded the creature and one lone pillar shot it far away.

(Y/N) looked behind her to see Toph who was 'looking' at the pillars and let them fall back into the earth, they both stayed quite sometimes glancing up at each other with Toph breaking the ice " hey um I like your new firebending technique" (Y/N) looked up at her rubbing her arm, she gripped her arm and said "Yeah, years of watching you train gave me the idea" They both kept silent, (Y/N) just sat down looking at the floor. Toph walked over to her and sat down in front of her just quietly, (Y/N) looked up and Toph quickly interrupted saying in a quiet and calm voice "I know you're going to apologise but don't. Let me talk" (Y/N) closed her mouth and Toph took a deep breath looking up at (Y/N) "I-I'm sorry (Y/N), I shouldn't have said that and I was being hot headed and now that i think about it i'm sorry for all the times I've shouted at you. You mean so much to me and what i said wasn't true, I owe you so much and I hope you can forgive me" Toph said, playing with a small rock on the ground that she had found, (Y/N) stayed silent before cracking a smiled and pulling Toph into a small hug. At first Toph looked a bit shocked but hugged back accepting this action, (Y/N) then said to her " Don't worry I forgive you and i'm also sorry I have been a bit overprotective and I need to let you go, We're not home anymore we're on our own and we need to look out for each other" Toph gave put a small laugh and hugged (Y/N) a bit tighter "Yeah just you and me" Toph said looking over a bit at (Y/N) "forever?" "forever.."

-Time skip-

It was the next morning, (Y/N) and Toph were asleep in the earth tent and Katara was the first to wake and notice. She quickly woke up Aang and pointed it out which made him smile a little "It's nice they made up" "Yeah I thought they'd never" Katara said laughing a little.Aang then got an idea, he quickly woke up Sokka who said sleepily "NOooOoO Katara lemmie sleep for like....forever" Aang looked at him then Karata who sighed and said "You get use to it" She kicked Sokka who jolted up and said "Owwwww" he rubbed his side and said "Why are we up so early. Just as Sokka said that both Aang and Katara pointed at (Y/N) and Toph who were still both sound asleep facing away from each other, Aang whispered his idea to Sokka who laughed evilly and Katara looked a little confused at the two.

Sokka quickly got up and said "Well won't this make things more interesting" He grinned as the boys walked up to the sleeping girls and began to move them around until they had them in a bit of an awkward position with Toph being hugged from behind by (Y/N), Katara watched and laughed knowing about Toph's little crush and already guessed (Y/N) had one as well. They all snuck away to let the two figure it out on their own.

Eventually it was (Y/N) who woke up first and just looked around a little dazed from just waking up, but got her barings as she saw her hugging Toph. She panicked on the inside mumbling to herself "Oh my she's gonna kill me" she shifted slightly to try and escape which made Toph grumble a bit Annoyed, Aang Katara and Sokka were all watching from a distance laughing to themselves. Eventually after a bit more wiggling Toph woke up a little confused and (Y/N) thought 'Welp I'm dead!!!', Toph grumbled for a bit having opened her eyes but just fell back asleep. (Y/N) let out a giant sigh of relief and tried to move out but this time the earthbender fought back on instinct by grabbing her arm, (Y/N) knew this was unintentional but whenever they did hug Toph was always a little clingy.

But soon the sun was all the way up and Toph yawned just now waking up, meanwhile (Y/N) was a little stressed on the situation her heart was beating fast not only from how close they were but also stress. Soon a sleepy voice came from in front of her "hey (Y/N), why is your heart beating so fast?" she grumbled out moving around only to notice that (Y/N)'s arms were around her, she stiffened up and said "p-please get off me" (Y/N) took her arms off but then looked at Toph who was kinda red, (Y/N) laughed and said "Are you embarrassed!" "NO!" Toph yelled getting up and running out of the earth tent hiding her face.

The rest of the Gaang were laughing at their reactions and Toph glared at all of them "You guys did this didn't you!!!"(Y/N) stood next to Toph and the others said clearly lying "No, Why would we!?" Toph gave them the Bruh face and mumbled something saying she actually somewhat liked it but then chased them saying "YOU GUYS ARE GONNA PAY!!!" (Y/N) laughed and joined in on the early morning chase......

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