Chap 14

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Wow this took me longer than i thought, but anyways I just wanna say thank you the book in just over a month has 4.6K reads as of right now so just thank you for reading and I just hope you really like this chapter.... btw the chap is over 4000 words......Damn


The Gaang was on the monorail which was being pushed by two earthbender in the back, (Y/N) was sitting next to Toph just thinking about the past couple days. She came to the conclusion that she wanted to confess, she kinda thought that Toph liked her but she had to find out herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by Katara saying "Look, the inner wall!, I can't believe we made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece." Sokka who was cross armed said quite skeptically "Hey, don't jinx it! We can still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!"

Toph who was leaning against (Y/N) said "you been hitting that cactus juice again?" To which all of the group laughed and (Y/N) replied with "believe me he'd be rolling on the floor if he was, speaking from experience of course" Toph laughed to herself and Sokka said "Yeah what (Y/N) said, besides I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us" Aang was looking out the window sadly and suddenly a man sat in between Toph and Sokka which caused them to skooch a little away from him, (Y/N) laughed saying "you making a move on me Toph?" To which she punched her saying "In your dreams".

Eventually the train got to the monorail station and everyone got off with everyone looking around in amazement at how big the city was. Except for Toph of course. "and back in the city....great" Toph looked a little annoyed. Sokka then said "What do you mean, it's amazing!!" to which Toph shrugged crossing her arms saying "you haven't seen it once, you've seen it a thousand times. Besides It's just a bunch of walls and rules. You wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days."

Just then a woman with a really big smile on her face approached the group, (Y/N) noticed and immediately a bunch of red flags went off in her head, she stepped in front of Toph a little protectively as the lady introduced herself. "Hello, my name is Joo Dee! I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Sokka, Katara, (Y/N) and Toph! Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?" (Y/N) signaled to the group to listen to her and she said "Guys something about her is off, I don't think we should go with her" Sokka sighed and said "Listen we need to get this to the Earth King (Y/N) we don't have time to not follow her" the group agreed and Toph said "Sokka's right (Y/N), I don't wanna be here as much as you do. So if she's the only way to him then I have to side with Sokka." The group disbanded and began talking to Joo Dee, (Y/N) stayed in the back a little ticked off about the group not trusting her judgment.

Eventually the group finds themselves in a carriage being taken on a tour through Ba Sing Se, (Y/N) was still a little ticked off so she ssat as far as possible from anyone, which was hard to do. "This is the lower ring" Joo Dee said as Katara replied "What's that wall for?" which led to Joo Dee explaining about the walls but (Y/N) wasn't really listening and looked outside the window. Then something caught her eye, a black smith working, seeing him make some small pendants and a couple other things. But eventually they were up in the upper ring, Joo Dee was explaining about how the group's house was close by.

They passed by a tall wall with a big gate and two mean looking men in black robes guarding the front, Katara then asked "What is that wall for? "And who are the two guys in black robes?" Sokka added on, (Y/N) then said "obviously that's where the palace is and those two are guards" Joo Dee cut in saying "Inside is the Royal Palace. Those men are agents of the Dai Li, the cultural authority of Ba Sing Se. They are the guardians of all our traditions!" (Y/N) looked a little more creeped out since she just said basically what Joo Dee said just before. Aang who looked really bored then asked "can we see the Earth King?" to which Joo Dee said in her creepily happy tone "nobody just pops in on the Earth King" to which Aang nodded his head sadly.

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