Chap 33

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Hey this is a filler chap full of cool stuff, yeah.



The Gaang had just left the fire nation and were headed towards the western air temple, (Y/N) was half asleep against the love of her life. It gave her time to think, slowly allowing herself to drift to sleep.

-Trip down memory lane begins-

A small (Y/N) was sitting on a couch she was shivering with a towel around her, not even being around 4 years old. Mr Beifong was talking to her but nothing was heard. She was only concentrating on the small girl hiding behind a wall, she looked a little nervous but also somewhat determined at the same time. She kept watching until a couple words from Mr Beifong were said "Child, where is your family".

A sudden flash of an image of a symbol came before her, it was blurry and couldn't make a shape out of it but it seemed familiar. She eventually came back to her senses and looked at the man "I don't know" She mumbled gripping the expensive cloth blanket around her, Mr Beifong nodded to one of his servants who immediately went to go get something "Well then I suppose having one more addition to the family isnt that bad, do you have a name?".

(Y/N) thought long and hard before sighing and shaking her head "I.....don't remember" Mr Beifong sighed as the servant came back with some clothes which were one of the servants uniforms and a couple towels "Well then, I think (Y/N) would be a suiting name." (yN)'s head perked up with a big smile as she looked down at the new uniform.

-Que memory flash forward-

It had been a couple weeks since (Y/N) was found and she was adjusting to her new responsibilities well, she was a curious soul and would constantly explore when she had the chance. She would often see another girl around the same age as her being escorted by some older guards and as the curious girl she was she wanted to know who and why she was so important.

One day (Y/N) followed her to the yard outside while her tasks were on hold, she was being escorted by guards who stood by her as she walked and eventually left her on a bench by herself. (y/N) took the chance to stand in front of the girl "Hello" the girl jumped out of fear and said "Who are you!" while recoiling back. (Y/N) tilted her head and waved a hand in front of her face "I thought you would see me coming?". The girl slumped over a little "I'm blind actually, I can't do anything without my guards. I wish I didn't need them".

(Y/N) hummed out of curiosity and then smiled "why don't I walk around with you, without your guards!" The girl seemed to smile at the idea and so the two began to walk around the beautiful garden together, (Y/N) was the first to speak "So what's your name?". The girl smiled and stopped walking for a second, while (Y/N) didn't notice at first but she was wearing some very expensive looking clothes "I'm Toph beifong, what about you?" (Y/N) smiled and gripped her hand and shaked it "I'm (Y/N)".

The two smiled at each other until voices were heard "Toph!, where have you gone!" It was one of the guards who was joined by her father, soon another voice was heard "(y/n) where are you?, you have some duties to finish" one of the servants were looking for her and eventually both parties found them. Mr Beifong smiled saying "I see you've acquainted with my daughter (Y/N)" To which (Y/N) smiled at him responding "Yeah, she's lots of fun!!".

Toph smiled more laughing a little, her father smiled saying "Well (Y/N) I have an offer to make you", he kneeled down to her level "when you're a little bit older, If you want I can make you Toph's personal servant. You'll be with her the whole time and you'll be able to bond more". The girls smiled more at the offer causing (Y/N) to nod her head vigorously "I'd love to Mr Beifong" He laughed softly and patted her head "Please just call me Lao." (Y/N) nodded as the two parted and bid their farewells for now.

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