Chap 16

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Back at it again....

Also to all Ya'll who actually read this bit....Hai, thanks for reading my monologue which 100% isn't wasting your time at all, nope not one bit. Anyways let get this show on the road...


The Gang's reaction to the announcement of (Y/N) and Toph dating:

As the two got home they were both soaking wet but laughing all the same, as they entered the house Katara, Sokka and Aang rushed over to them with Sokka saying "Well!?!? How did it go" Toph looked a little annoyed but rolled her eyes "of course I said yes" With that there was an explosion of cheers coming from the three, Toph just headed off to go get dry and go to sleep. (Y/N) was carried around the room by Aang and Sokka with both of them chanting "(Y/N)!!! (Y/N)!!! (Y/N)!!!" (Y/N) laughed saying "guys, guys calm down"

After about an hour of celebrating the three were crowded around a sleepy Toph and a somewhat nervous (Y/N), the three were just throwing questions left and right and eventually Toph had enough and began to yell at them saying "Can we talk about this in the morning, I'm tired!!" She stomped off which caused (Y/N) to let out a short giggle.

Okay now onto the Chapter......

The next morning Toph and (Y/N) were at the house just chilling next to each other, Toph was just rubbing her finger over the necklace that (Y/N) had given her, smiling a little as she did "enjoying the feeling?" (Y/N) asked cheekily which Toph stopped and said "No....." She crossed her arms to which (Y/N) looked over at the hunched over Sokka who was drawing the missing poster for Appa. Katara and Aang came up to him saying "We found a printer to make our posters!" to which Sokka looked at them sadly saying "Hey, I thought designing the lost Appa poster was my job. I've been working all day on my Appa!" He showed off his drawing of Appa which looked like a child made it.

The three bickered about Sokka's drawing with Aang and Katara looking a little confused at the drawing until Toph chimed in saying "It looks just like him to me!" She smiled and Sokka said "Thank you. I wor-, Why do you feel you need to do that" He asked, disappointed which caused (Y/N) and Toph to laugh. Sokka got a little mad and ripped up his drawing since they were sticking with the professional looking one, Aang smiled and said "Come on guys, let's get to working!"(Y/N) laughed and said "Why don't you just spread them around while we wait" to which Aang hummed and said "Good idea!!" .

Aang went on his glider and began dropping the posters from the sky with them raining down in the upper and lower ring everywhere, even into Panzo's shop to which he read and laughed a little while continuing to work. The Gaang was chilling in the house and Aang eventually arrived back a little tired, Sokka and Katara were playing a game while Toph was relaxing leaning against (Y/N) probably half asleep. Aang smiled at them saying "I just finished dropping all the leaflets. Has anyone come in with news about Appa?" Katara shrugged and said "It's only been a day, just be patient" Aang sat down but just then there was a knock at the door.

Toph who was half asleep moved a little when the knock was heard and mumbled something, (Y/N) laughed a little saying "You still sleepy?" She only nodded and leaned against her more. Apparently it was Joo Dee at the door and (Y/N) glared at her "Hello, Aang, and Katara, and Sokka, and Toph, and (Y/N). Sokka walked up to the door and said "What happened to you? Did the Dai Li throw you in jail?" Joo Dee denied and said "What? Jail? Of course not. The Dai Li are the protectors of our cultural heritage." Toph then stood up a little groggy and said "But you disappeared at the Earth King's party." Joo Dee shook her head saying "Oh, I simply took a short vacation to Lake Laogai, out in the country. It was quite relaxing." Sokka and (Y/N) both looked at her skeptically.

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