◎・Bath Time・◎

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Levi stood in front of you, guarding you from the view of gunpoint. "Put. The gun. Down" He said in a threatening voice, which scared you a little bit.

 "Corporal, get out of the way. This kid is a threat, probably more than Jaeger was. Kids are unpredictable, she could do so much damage if she even just had a temper tantrum or a fit." The man says, pulling his gun up, popping in a bullet, then aiming his gun once again. 

Levi began walking forward, his boots creating satisfying clicking on the cold ground. Levi grabbed the wrist of the Military Police with the weapon, to which he twisted is sternly, making a harsh cracking noise. He screeched in pain, dropping his gun to the floor, shooting the bullet.

 It scraped right past you, but luckily it wasn't a direct hit. Levi ordered one of the superior MP's to take the MP Cadet away, then he walked over to you, to see you were shaking and trembling rapidly, holding your wounded arm where the bullet skimmed. "Tend to the child's wounds, Scout Regiment. Dismissed!" Everyone stood and walked out, and Levi picked you up once again, knowing you were too freaked out to walk or balance yourself. You were shaking and tears threatened to leak out of your eyes, but you tried your best to hold it in.

After some walking and more corners turn, you were in a room with Levi watching you, Hanji tending to your wound, and Erwin at a desk in the center of the Room. Erwin raised up from his desk and walked over to Levi, where you could hear some mentioning of your name and the words 'Care' and 'Guardian for the time being'. Stuff like that.

When hanji wrapped the last of the bandage around your arm, you ran away and hit under Erwin's desk, your bottled up tears now escaping your eyes, making the fuzzy carpet wet. 

Levi POV

Hanji was patching up the kid while Erwin spoke to me about me being in charge of the kid and caring for her until she was old enough to live by herself. I wasn't a big fan of the idea, But I knew Erwin was going to be busy and I would never trust Shitty Glasses to take care of a child, especially one as scarred inside as (Y/N).

As Hanji wrapped the last strand of bandage around her, she ran away and ducked under Erwin's desk. Hanji gave a really sad look of both of us. "The incident with the courtroom and the MP must've spooked her out." Erwin muttered as he looked at the desk where (Y/N) was hiding.

 "You think?" I sarcastically but seriously mumbled back as I walked over to the desk, then turning to where you put your feet to see little (Y/N) in a ball, little spots of the carpet around her were wet along with her clothing. Her hair and clothes were still a dirty mess. I cringed thinking about her just sitting on the carpet and how many people have put there feet there. 

I clicked my tongue and kneeled down.

"Kid. You need to come out." I said. I didn't know weather to take a stern or gentle approach to get her to listen, so It came out a little mixed. She only looked up very slightly. I could see her (E/C) orbs peeking through her messy hair. She slightly shook her head.

"Tch. Why are you upset brat?" I asked, slightly annoyed I have to be so close to the ground. I heard a slight sniffle from her, along with mumbling. "I- I'm scared." Was what I could hear from her shaky voice. I sighed.

"Look at me. That's an order." I sternly said, causing her head to shoot up, her expression horrified. "Listen Brat. We are going to protect you from danger from now on. No bad people or titans will get to you. Promise." I said, holding out my pinky to her, trying my best to be less scary. Her expression turned into a less horrified but now more nervous and curious expression. She reached out and twisted her pinky around mine. 

I released my pinky from hers and reached both of my arms in, grabbing her waist, then pulling her out beneath the dirty old desk.

I stood up with her in my arms, to where she placed both of her tiny arms behind my neck and snuggled in my shoulder. I did not really mind, but I kept my stoic face the hole rest of the conversation between Commander Erwin and four eyes. 

"Well, if i'm going to look out for this kid, I'll need to give her a bath before anything. Hanji," I said, turning my gaze towards her direction. "Could you bring some clothing into my office for the brat. I don't want her walking around with this awful dirty dress." I said.

Shitty Glasses eyes sparkled. She had a huge grin on her face, almost brighter than doing tests on titans. She frantically nodded then bursted out of the room, heading to her office. I sigh then leave for my office as well.

Walking through the halls was quiet. The only noise filling the room was the clicking of my boots. I looked over to the little brat to see her in the same position as before, but now in a deep sleep. Even with her head bobbing up in down didn't wake her up. 

After a few more turns we've arrived at my office. I pushed the doors open with my back, not wanting to disturb the little brat just yet. I laid the brat on the couch then headed to the bathroom connecting to my office. I twisted the knobs until the water was the perfect temperature. The perfect warmth.

I put some bubbles into the tub because I knew the brat needed a good cleaning to get all the gunk off of her. I laid a nice white towel on the ground and hung one up on the hook closest to the bath tub.

 I walked out of my office to find (Y/N) still sleeping, and I sighed. 

I removed my jacket along with my cravat and rolled up my sleeves, then walked over to the sleeping brat. I nudged her slightly. No response. I shook her this time, causing her to slightly wake. 

"Come on. Bath time. Your filthy." I said. She rubbed her eyes then held her arms out to me. What did she want me to do? I heard her little voice mumble "Up.", so that's what I did. I picked her up and walked to the bathroom. I kept the door open in case Shitty glasses came back.I Set her back down beside the bathtub, removing her dirty dress and placing her in the water. She didn't splash around like I expected, she just stared off and kept still as I scrubbed all the dirt and blood out of her hair.

Someone barged into the office, of course it was shitty glasses. Good think I was basically done with the brat, I just had to dry her.

"Hey shortyyyy! I brought some clothing! They will probably be super big on her so I hope that isn't too big of a problem! But don't you think she will look cute!? We have to show her to everyone around HQ! Oh-! And, we need to give her a tour sho she won't get lo-" Shitty glasses began rambling and I knew it would never end so I quickly interrupted her.

"Shut your trap, Four eyes. We will do all of that later let's just get to it first. Do me a favor and dress her after I finish drying her." I say in a stern voice as I lift the brat out of the tub, wrapping my white, long, fluffy towel around her, then placing another on her head as I begin to ruffle up her (H/C) hair. 

Once she isn't dripping wet any longer, I stood up and walked out of the bathroom and walked to my desk, plopping myself down. Hanji happily skipped inside as I saw the brat quiver in the little puddle of water and soap.

I could hear loud yells of Hanji continuously saying how her outfits would look adorable on the brat. This is going to be a long day, I sigh to myself as I lean back in my chair.

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