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After a few days, and a lot of talks with Levi and Erwin on the matter, you were fully able to grasp what had actually happened with you and (F/N). You were a lot better with the situation than you were before (considering you were completely broken due to the matter), but still teared up at the subject. You begged Erwin for permission to make a little grave out of twigs outside near the training camp for HQ, to which he agreed without any hesitation. Why wouldn't he? He knew it would make you feel better, and you were really just a good kid. You never asked for much, so of course he would accept your request.

You wrapped two skinny twigs together with a leaf and stuck it into the ground. You put a little daisy in front of it. You bowed your head before walking back to Levi, who was waiting for you.


Tomorrow was the day that all the scouts would go and retake wall Maria.

You were nervous, but figured now just was not the time to make people worried with your emotions.

As people were collecting rations, polishing gear, and writing letters to their family's in the event that they wouldn't make it back, you were at the stables, spectating Levi's horse eating some hay. 

When you first met Levi's horse, you were dead afraid of it. It was quite loud when it first saw you, and really tall. Levi guided you hand to the horses snout and ever since, his horse had been another family member. You wanted to name it, so you started calling it Daisy, after (F/N)'s favorite flower. Levi didn't like the idea of naming his horse for many reasons. When you name something, you become attached, and he wasn't exactly fond with the feminine name that you had given his horse that he would bring to war, but he knew it made you happy. You needed to feel happy after everything that's happened, so he endured the name for you.

"Hey." Someone said as you felt the hay crumble next to you. You look up to see Levi standing on the hay looking down at you. Levi leaned up against the stable post and watched you observe Daisy eat. 

Levi had wanted to teach you to ride a horse. On an expedition, he would still make you ride with his, of course, but he wanted you to know how to control a horse in the event of an emergency. 

"(Y/N), want to learn to ride Daisy?" Levi asked, knowing it made you sad when he didn't use 'Daisy's' name. You perked up and gave a happy nod. Levi brought out a saddle and placed it around Daisy before lifting you up onto the horse and getting himself up (let's be real he's really short he needs a step stool-) onto the horse as well. 

Before you knew it, you were riding with Levi on Daisy and it was really fun. You made little squeals which proved to Levi that you were having nothing but a blast. He even decided to show of a little for you. He would make sharp turns and jumps, which you would gasp at, but Levi had to warn you to try to keep your mouth closed or else you'd bite your tongue.

Time passed for not just you, but for Levi too. Soon it was dark and Levi was making his way back to HQ when you fell asleep, pressed against Levi's back. This posed as a challenge for him. He had to keep his arms more still so you could lean on one and not fall of his horse, and he had to go extra slow so you wouldn't wake up. He would just let you sleep in the next day, but tomorrow was going to be a really big day, and you needed al the rest you could get.

While making your way back, Levi looked down at your sleeping form and game a small smile, not seen by anyone but the moon.

Alright so i got a few yes's for a oneshot book for (Y/N) interacting with some characters, so leave me some requests so I could get started :)

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