is this....puberty?

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||||Requested by: ToxicBully||||

"What the actual fuck." 

The whole gang was in the hallway and we're blankly staring at something odd.


"DID SHE HIT PUBERTY" Eren screamed, running over to you, balling his eyes out.

"I MISS CUTE Y/N. THIS CHICK IS SO BUFF." Sasha wheezed, breaking down onto her knees, and started talking to whatever god there was in the sky for there to be some cure. 

Suddenly, everyone cleared way for the force that could go north or south, Levi. He walked right up to you and still was taller, even after you turning the same age as everyone in his squad. "You grew up." Levi said, patting your head making your give a cute smile. Jean walked over and tried to give you a hug for whatever reason in the walls, but you smacked his hand away and gave him a NASTAY SLAY GIRL — sorry nasty look, like a glare. and walked off to probably the training area since you got big boi muscles now.

"Is this...puberty?" Jean questioned, slumping down. "She was so cute before..."

"Normal Y/N has no problem with anybody giving her head pats, so what gives?" Connie questioned, Sasha nodding her head along.

Mikasa and Armin looked like they got an idea at the same time. "What if she really grew up, like her mind has memories of her growing up that actually didn't happen. Perhaps Jean did something really bad and serious to her when she was 'growing up'" Armin said, making air quotes around the growing up part. 

"Let's find out. I'll beat the shit out of him if it's something bad." Levi snarled, and everyone walked over to the training grounds.

When everyone arrived, you were doing push-ups.

 "more that you do" Connie whispered to Sasha.

"SHUT UP CONNIE WITH YOUR YEE-YEE ASS MCDONALD LOOKING HAIRLINE." Sasha yelled, causing Connie and Sasha to get into a physically comedic fight.

"Oh hey everyone! What are you doing here?" You questioned, noticing everyone after Connie and Sasha yelling.

"Y/N, what made you so mad at Jean before?" Mikasa asked. A lot of people were mad about how buff Y/N is now and how she wasn't cute before, but Mikasa really loves seeing how strong you became, and wonders if you will be this way when you actually grow up.

"I told you all already. Jean gave me a fricking dutch oven!" you said, shooting Jean another glare.

"LADIES MAN MY ASS JEAN. THATS GROSS." Eren said, kneeing Jean in the balls. 

"That's my girl. Take no shit." Levi smirked.


-Y/N wouldn't have turned out into a buff machine if she actually had grown up normally. 

-Older Y/N wouldn't hurt a fly unless you cross her path first

-Y/N's false memories all include Levi raising her to take no shit


-If Armin didn't know that was you, he would have had a big crush on you

-Mikasa liked the buff and really wanted to see you whoop Jeans ass

-Connie was secretly jealous of the buffness 

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