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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

"Oh my God!" Santino muttered, "Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For not being in that stupid room anymore." he replied, the brightest grin on his face.

"What room?" I continued dumbly.

Santino stared at me as if I had lost a couple of brain cells. I probably did.

"I've been in there for nearly two weeks." he stated as if I was stupid.

"Actually, only a week in a half." his own twin corrected, causing Santino to glare, lips pulling into a scowl.

"Same thing." he grumbled, shoving his twin on the shoulder.

Salvino didn't budge though, only giving him a grin as he shoved him back. He didn't get the reaction he wanted. Since Santino wasn't as sturdy as his twin after not being on his two feet for months,  it pretty much caused a huge chain of reaction.

Santino stumbled over his feet, tittering to his left. Since I was on his left, I knew that he would fall on me, which had me make the rational decision of trying to move even more left to get out of the way.

The only problem was that there was a wall right beside, causing me to not only crash into the wall and bruise my right hip, but also fall onto the floor creating pressure on my already injured tailbone. I didn't even have enough time to yell out in pain when Santino fell over, landing right on top of me.

"FUCK!" I swore, howling in pain. Santino had at least fifty pounds on me, and this added weight was not helping my already bruised tailbone. Forget that, my lungs felt like they were getting smashed and crushed together.

"Damn it, Salvino." Santino hissed as well, trying his best to get off of me. However, it only made the situation worse because his muscles weren't cooperating at the moment. This only caused him to fall back on top of me once more.

"Oh shit, sorry." Salvino muttered sheepishly, coming over and dragging his twin up.

"You know that I have no balance right now." growled Santino, "So what gave you the brilliant idea of pushing me?"

"It was just a shove." Salvino defended, "It's not my fault you have horrible balance."

"I was in a coma!" Santino nearly shouted, "Did you expect me to... I don't know. Magically have perfect balance after weeks of not standing?"

"Yes?" Salvino answered, uncertainty clear in his tone.

"I swear you are dumber than me." Santino huffed, and turned to me... Who was still sitting on the floor, jaw hanging open.

"What?" he snapped, "Shut your mouth before you catch flies."

My jaw slammed close even as I continued gaping at them, my eyes full-blown saucers. I never knew that the twins ever fought. They were always teamed up against me, I never dreamed of the fact that they had disagreements. They always seemed so... cooperative and letting of one another.

Looks like I was wrong.


"I'm bored." I muttered to the twins

At this moment, the three of us were in the living room, my feet propped up against his lap as my head laid in Salvino's.

"Well what do you want to do?" Santino countered, raising a brow. "I can't do anything, remember? I'm prohibited from any physical activity for the next week."

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