Author's Note

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Now to start off, I'm going to say a big THANK YOU to all of my readers. 

Thank you to all of the readers who have actively supported me through this journey, and even if you are a ghost reader, I am still extremely grateful that you even bothered to read my book. I never thought that my book would ever reach 10 votes, or even 1k reads, but you guys have proved me wrong, so thank you so so so much!

I am so grateful, you have no idea. This started out as a small side hobby for me, and I never expected for this story to get this much attention.

Now, I have a few things to confess, get ready!

1. Umm, I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I changed my mind about writing a prequel to Amara's story. I don't know if I want to, but if I do write a prequel, the prequel will be focused on Samantha's and Ace's story. There will be a few big jumps of time throughout their story because the majority of the drama does not happen consecutively like Amara's story. I haven't finalized the title for the book or anything, so as big thank you to all of my readers, I will let you pick through 3 titles I have chosen:

(1) Mafia Life

(2) The Power Couple

(3) Complicated Love

On the one you have chosen, just comment 'I vote (title)', so I know which one you choose! This is due by December 30, 9 pm Pacific Time. I don't know if I will actually do this though, so please don't get your hopes up. 

2. This is the end of the book Family Comes First. It pains me to say this, but I will not be writing a sequel for Amara's story. Not because I don't want to, but more because I don't think I will be able to create a story as good as this one. The majority of the secrets that Amara needs to know have been uncovered, and I just don't think the quality of a sequel book will be good enough for you all to read, so I hope to understand and that.

However, as promised, there will be 'Bonus Chapters'. I don't know when it will be out, but it will be out by the start of 2021, so you can look out for that if you want to know Amara's future!

3. This is the final one, and this will be addressing the cliffhanger I left you all on in Chapter 50. So, I actually will be writing an epilogue so that you all don't die of anticipation, but before I publish it, I'm going to have to ask a small favour. It's not big, and it's something you can do in just a few minutes. So if you have time, please do it. As an Author, I would really appreciate it, so please please please do it. All I'm asking is for a few minutes of your time. 

I just need you to fill in a small form I made. Something like a Book Review. I want to know your honest opinion on how good the book is, and I need honest opinions. There will be questions, and I'm asking you to please fill it out for me. There are only 10 questions, so I'm begging you...

(1) What was your favourite thing about Family Comes First? (Name three if you can)

(2) What did you dislike about Family Comes First? (Name as many as you want)

(3) What is our opinion on the Author? Is the Author an Author who cares deeply for their readers? Rate them out of ten, 1 being horrible, and 10 being they care deeply for their readers.

(4) Was the story fun to read? Was humour incorporated into the story in a non-cringe way?

(5) How well was the structure of the story? Did the story have a plot that was both captivating and interesting? How well was the character development? Did the story move too fast or slow?

(6) Was this story Original? Did it have its own twist and turns? Rate out of five, 1 being it was cheesy, boring, and cliche, 5 being it was good, fun, and original. 

(7) Use three words to describe this story. 

(8) Was it hard to read this story? This means that was the grammar hard to understand? Was it physically hard to read and understand the words spoken? Did it have good punctuation?

(9) What is one thing you would change about this book? One thing you would have liked to see more.

(10) Finally, rate Family Comes First out of 10. 1 Being horrible, and you hate it. 10 Being extremely good. Please give at least one sentence as to explain why.


It doesn't matter if you only filled out one question, because to me, each question matters. If you are uncomfortable commenting your opinion, please message me your vision on this book, because as an Author, I strive to improve my writing at any given moment. 

The answers to the question will help give me an idea on what I can do to improve on the next time I start a new book. And if I'm being honest, this matters so much more to me than the votes. Seriously. So, thank you to those who took the time to fill it out for me. 

Anyways, I'm going to ask for at least 5 people to answer these questions for me before I publish the epilogue. I hope you guys can understand how much this means to me, so please. If you don't want to wait for five other people to fill it out, please just fill it out yourself. The more the merrier!

Other than that, prepare yourself for the epilogue I will no doubt be publishing when at least five people fill out the questions! Don't worry, you can always private message me the answers if you don't want to share it with the people reading my story. 

Hope you enjoyed this book, and even if you don't want to continue reading my book, or even if you didn't like it at all, I wish you all safety and health. 

~ CRAZY40429 💋 

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