Chapter 2

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Never in a million years did Amara ever think that she would be in a private plane, going to Miami, Florida in the US to meet her new guardian. 

Given only a name, her social worker named Beatrice Winston had given her Amara's deceased father's phone for her flight to Miami. Beatrice didn't even explain what was happening before Amara was told to pack up her things and that she would be going to Miami.

The incident had happened after midnight, and she was at the police station for the entire morning before they were able to get a hold of a number. Apparently, Amara's new guardian was a very important and busy person, and wasn't to be disturbed. 

The persistent calls though, apparently had annoyed him enough to answer his cell at noon. 

Unable to listen in to Beatrice's conversation with her new guardian as she had to continue packing all of her art supplies, she caught words like: 'Hurt', 'Don't', 'Talk', 'Responsive', and 'Brother.' from her end of the phone.


That word was so foreign to her. She's never had a brother before, and if what she was guessing was true, her new guardian was also her new brother. A brother she hasn't even met yet, nevertheless heard of him until now. 

Why in the world were they separated then? Why was he so much older than her? Why does he own a private plane? Couldn't he have given a monthly income to help out with her situation before her father's death?

The questions kept on coming as she sat on the plane. Trying to answer her own questions, only to come up blank and with more questions. Nothing was adding up. She may be stupid, but she wasn't that stupid when it comes to common knowledge. 

Why in the world was her brother so much older than her? Why did father never mention him? Why did she not know him until her father was murdered? Why, why, why! There were so many.

The 2 hour and 55 minute flight passed by quickly, and Amara didn't even know that she had arrived before she was ushered out of the plane. She was apparently so lost in thought that she didn't even feel the landing of the plane, which just shows how out of it she was. 

As Amara looked outside of the airport, she checked her phone for any messages as a black SUV pulled up in front of her.

"Amara?" the man asked kindly, and snapping her head to the front, she was met with the face of a handsome, muscular young man.

"Y-yes?" Amara stuttered, eyes looking at her worn out shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. 

"You're Amara right?" the man asked, and Amara nodded her head, albeit a little hesitantly. 

"Okay. My name is Salvestro." he introduced as he got out of the car, his Italian accent showing when he said his name as he rolled his 'r' perfectly.

"O-okay?" Amara answered, unsure what he was doing. 

"I'm here to pick you up." he continued as he raised a hand. Expecting the worst, Amara flinched away at the hand, causing the man to frown. 

"I-I'm sorry. B-but I-I was t-told that Salvatore would be p-picking me up-p. Not Sal-Salvestro." she stammered, but she was firm on this. She wasn't going to let a stranger take her away. She wasn't a naive little girl, at least, she didn't think she was. 

"Yes, your guardian was supposed to be picking you up, but he couldn't make it. He doesn't end work until later tonight." Salvestro said smoothly, and Amara made a face.

It was 5 pm, and this time was when most people got home and were back home with their families. 

Seeing her unspoken question, Salvestro chuckled. "Yes. He's the CEO of one of the more busier companies, which means that sometimes, he can be extremely busy. He'll be taking the day off tomorrow to get to know you though, so don't worry." he reassured, and Amara didn't have the heart to tell him that she wasn't worried one bit, more scared than worried.

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