Chapter 9

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*TW: There will be mentions of sexual and physical assault in this Chapter. There will also be scenes of violence. Proceed with caution.*

- S a l v e s t r o  R u s s o - 

The next few days were past with Amara staring blankly at her wall while we, her brothers took care of her. She wasn't able to sleep in fear of her nightmares, and her eyes were now bloodshot with huge, dark eye bags under her eyes. 

Salvatore had managed to find pieces of Amara's childhood through connections, but had ultimately now gotten any solid proof yet. So far, we were now down to two options of what happened. 

Either her father abused her, or someone else has harmed her as well. If it was the latter, then we had three suspects so far. 

The first one is Victor Hedmin. Victor is a guy from Amara's school who apparently isn't a big fan of hers. Although his file doesn't contain anything saying of him being a bully or something, he was still on our possibilities of people who caused Amara to become a shell of herself. The possibility of him doing it though, is extremely low, as I don't think a kid, can cause someone to have voices in their heads.

The second suspect is named Lawrence Miller. This guy is pretty old, and is actually Amara's neighbour. The chances of him causing Amara to become like this is pretty high as he is their neighbour, making it easier for him and her father to pass her around like toys without other people noticing. The fact that they live in the slums as well just makes it easier.

The final suspect is Chase Merrington. Chase is her father's co-worker, and is actually living an average and normal life. Although we weren't sure if he did traumatize Amara in any sort of way, sources have shown that he has driven to their house in the middle of the night before, only to leave a few minutes later. 

"Do you think she'll have a nightmare again?" Salvino asked me, his eyes tired and fighting to stay open.

Throughout these few days, none of us have managed to get a lick of sleep  with Amara screaming half of the time. The moment we would be able to sleep, Amara would scream her head off, causing all of us to wake up and rush to her room. 

Trust me, Amara wouldn't let anyone sleep with her, so we were all pretty much kicked out of her room when she was getting into bed. 

"Don't know. I'm hoping not because I am so friggin' tired." Santino answered, slumping in his chair, just as an ear splitting scream erupted into the night. 

Jerking up, all of us lunged for the stairs, going up each by three until we arrived in Amara's room. Not bothering to knock, we barged in to see Amara sweating, panting, and gasping for air.

"No! Please- I'll do anything, please?" she begged, thrashing around in the bed as I loomed over her, trying to bring her back to the real world. 

"Bambina... It's only a nightmare, it's not real." I said softly right next to her just as her fist came flying down onto my face.

"Frick." I shouted, putting a hand over my face as the twins laughed in the corner. If it weren't for the situation, I would be laughing as well. 

"That was gold!" Santino spluttered through laughter, and I silently glared at them as I rubbed the sore spot. Amara had a nasty fist.

"Now's not the time, Santino. Salvino." Salvatore warned, and they both shut up, although I could still hear their muffled giggles. 

"Sorella, it's just a nightmare." Sandeo said as he gently brushed her hair out of her face.

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